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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. T3A guy

    CoD WaW Mod

    The Rapidshare download is down.
  2. T3A guy

    Manually Mod GoW2

    The person who wrote this tutorial must have been an awsome sexy n00b prwner, and an Uber 1337 83457. Can you give some credit to the person who wrote it?
  3. Wow COD5 is weird.
  4. Click here and run the program to get Star Wars in ASCII. (If you have vista you need to download Telnet.)
  5. This makes me want to get into graphics, only problem is I have no $$$.
  6. Nope
  7. Yes they do, a dinosaur lied to me and stole my virginity.
  8. Actually googling doesnt work so well. XPort for U.S. - http://us.codejunkies.com/support_download...ort_360_112.zip XPort for U.K. - http://uk.codejunkies.com/support_download...ort_360_112.zip
  9. Ya he said $2
  10. All of these are possible except for 25% gravity.
  11. Try running the newer version of it. http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/xbox360pc/harddr...er360v0.9b2.rar
  12. T3A guy

    Dev Mods

    You cant mod with demo kit. You need a dev kit, two completely different things. If it was actually real and made with a dev kit, then you could not download it. *Sorry this is kindof a bump, the topic wasn't dead, and it was the 6th topic down.
  13. Shade45 is doing it for just $2.
  14. wtf how did u get my roflcopter i released tht 2day :0
  15. maby u hav but i hav been asked this questing 3 times this week
  16. T3A guy

    new club

    well no1 likes ppl who ban them from the shoutbox melo or should i say .melo
  17. T3A guy

    new club

    im starting a club the only requirements are that u have "Official member of the BFSB club, rank - member" in your signature and you need to be banned from the shoutbox. like in mai sig l V
  18. test on embedded <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBlJaPD-CCQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBlJaPD-CCQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  19. on windows its http://www.bungie.net/images/News/WeeklyUpdate/725/purplewallpaper.jpg and on ubuntu its http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...ficial%26sa%3DN
  20. im not saying this is a breakthrough but it can help if ur making many mods off of one map. the numbers after usermap, film, clip, slayer, ect. are always 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, or f it does not matter how many of these letters there are. so an example would be slayer0, usermap1234323234334757692546738956843976546514795642871584564954783261594871581 25642819659165986581265327185, or filmababab i hoped this helped with backing up and making multiple copies of a mod
  21. im surprised that noone has asked what error he got sooo what error did you get?
  22. T3A guy


    click it to make it 100%
  23. T3A guy


  24. ill transfer for 0$ and 0cents but it isnt instant i wont xport unless i hav like 10 things to xport (i dont like turning on and off my xbox 30 times a day)
  25. i looked into this and all it needs is to be usermap then any amount of characters that are abcde0123456789 the 000000 is not needed! it is just for sum reason in all halo3 unmodded usermaps
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