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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. Thats a paradox 0_o
  2. T3A guy


    Walshy is one of the best players in MLG but he just left Team Final Boss. I like it. Great job on the text, mud, and background.
  3. Do you have proof?
  4. I think the h3 update was more likely to make this impossible than the nxe.
  5. Also could we have a buy sell trade section?
  6. its 15 usd used
  7. Learn to mod Halo 2 then do the same thing except with Johnson and HxD.
  8. T3A guy

    Modified XEX

    No I think he meant 21 >_< @Caboose, Anthony likes to joke about himself being 12, in reality I think he is 18, maybe he has turned 19.
  9. You don't see any major texture differences?
  10. T3A guy

    Modified XEX

    Good job. http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/6674/1222744496525zo4.jpg
  11. T3A guy

    Modified XEX

    I think he got it because he contributed. BTW (5:28:25 PM) drew12456: Hey (5:29:07 PM) drew12456: how tall are you? (5:30:47 PM) Anth0ny (dev kit guy): almost 6'
  12. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=10502&do=findComment&comment=61831
  13. A more accurate fraction is 314159265/100000000
  14. Not really. 22/7=3.1428..... pi =3.1415.....
  15. I like pi aswell http://filebin.ca/nastsa/pi_data.txt
  16. Quote or it's not true.
  17. Speak English please. Like I said, you need to mod your camera because the pictures are live files.
  18. The GOW one is awsome, can I put it in my sig?
  19. T3A guy

    Modified XEX

    Detox said he didn't care if the xex was given out anymore so PM me if you want it.
  20. This thread was made before the NXE update, so I'm guessing that is what stopped it. Does that sound stupid? Maybe it was because of the halo 3 update.
  21. Well I bet you could capitalize off of it and make a device to do it and sell it like they did with Xport.
  22. The graphics look so much cooler. It would be nice if bungie released all their old builds. `
  23. Sounds cool, I can't wait for the release.
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1864
  25. Moar specific?
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