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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. Are they before 1976?
  2. You mod .map Shade45 plays it and makes you a video I pay shade45 we all r happy
  3. Hey, I got some extra money for Holiday-mas, so I thought I would use that money to play some modded maps. This is possible through Shade45's offer to mod maps for just $2 per map. I'm only spending $10 total so... you do the math. This is mostly for *Poor people *People without paypal *People who didn't want to spend their money on this *And people with modded maps already made, but not yet played. Even if you don't fit in one of those categories you can still enter. Some rules: *Don't say "I'm in" just enter your map. *You can have as many entries as you want, but only a max of 2 maps per person can be played. *Deadline is when we have either 5 mods I love, a lot of mods entered, or on February 8th. *Don't take credit for other peoples work, that will disqualify you and all of your maps. Other stuff: *I might put a poll up. *Post in this format for a better chance of winning: *This post could be changed. Don't flame. I'm not paying people to mod maps, I'm paying shade45 to play them. Good luck. Entries Also, good news, I got a friend to do it for free.
  4. If your friend had a dev kit then you would see a difference between his Xbox and your Xbox.
  5. http://smileys.sur-la-toile.com/repository/Crade/vomi.gif Eww...
  6. You know it
  7. I found this<<
  8. Congratulations, you just got the 3000th post in this section
  9. T3A guy


    I voted for the last one. It was the only decent looking one.
  10. Ope, my bad
  11. Nice post >_<
  12. T3A guy

    Manually Mod GoW2

    This is my tutorial and I would like you to meet my small demands. I don't want a flame war, I just want some credit, not sarcasm. WxPIRS has already been invented.
  13. This thread is funny http://www.internet-library.net/funny-picture-cat-picture-ehpien.jpg
  14. T3A guy

    Manually Mod GoW2

    It isn't so much that I need pride as it is that you treat me like an ass and you take credit for things I make. I made this tutorial and chose to not post it on IBM, but because you posted my tutorial without my permission you should at least comply with my very small demands.
  15. Was it a bot worm or keylogger?
  16. I hope I win, I really need "something".
  17. T3A guy

    Manually Mod GoW2

    http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/8120/failquotefa0.png Ya just like in quotes... And it doesn't really matter what your personal preference is because you are posting my tutorial without my permission. Stop being an ignorant @ssH#$% and use logic.
  18. Is this the one on cold storage? Because I made one on cold storage and made a huge story to tell to noobs: If only 10 people have this map then Bungie is able to shut down your xbox before you play with recon. This is why you need to spread it to all of your friends and when enough people have it Bungie won't be able to stop it. This is why you should send it to your friends. Eventually you will have recon. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=46094941
  19. I think you should leave the download link up so n00bs can learn a lesson.
  20. http://www.notisnet.org/links/bmup9.jpg
  21. Ya, I'm sure superasion is smarter than that, and would never mod to get up rank.
  22. T3A guy

    Manually Mod GoW2

    Generally you put your name at the top of your paper. The topics description is "not mine!". If I asked you who invented the lightbulb then you wouldn't say "not me!". Please either remove it or give proper credit.
  23. T3A guy

    Manually Mod GoW2

    I think Fatal should be forced to give credit to who ever made this.
  24. I'm impressed by the progress you are making.
  25. T3A guy

    CoD WaW Mod

    That is why there are signers that can change profile/console id's, and he didn't take it down, it got 10 downloads and it went away.
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