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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. here is a better explanation http://world.std.com/~franl/crypto/rsa-guts.html
  2. zero grav vehi are fun
  3. lol happy bday maby u will realize tht u cant make a .map resigner 4 ur b-day
  4. kk i made another 1807//0l)_- 15 4 //385173 0ll 73l-l 1ll7312ll37_- Really u do? cuz i wud h8 tht.
  5. i was the 2nd member of the website EVUR but it got stupid.
  6. i thot it was coming in september lol but yay 2 months early
  7. nuke ftw
  8. 1l= 4ll'/ 0ll3 l=16(_)1235 7l-l15 0(_)7 7l-l3ll 1 //1l_lL 83 1//l*123553l)
  9. Wow i paid 4 it and he never have it to me, any1 else get ripped?
  10. T3A guy

    poop on melo

    grey pupon mustard
  11. Disagree, COD4 FTW! disagree bioshock ftw
  12. T3A guy

    poop on melo

    i mean pupon
  13. What is it? a wall man cannon? http://www.bungie.net/projects/halo3/as ... =21&item=0
  14. T3A guy

    Submarine Mod

    its really fun just wrong section
  15. ? english ?
  16. u got that list from hyperstorm and you had me explain how to use it lol. give hyperstorm rep.
  17. i hav no idea and its just a pic, like this but with masterchief http://ant.sillydog.org/blog/pic/antonysilhouette07.gif
  18. there aleady is its called paint
  19. Someone told me that non GFX members could post battles so i think it would be cool to have a battle. Subject-Ipod commercial with Halo character (doesn't have to be MC) Style- Rules-when i get either 8 people or on july 1st the contest will start (you need to comment before then). Voting will be on a poll no comments necessary. First to 10 votes or whoever has most votes by July 20th wins. Entry's are due July 10th on or before 11:59 Eastern time. Late entries need 2 more points to win per day late. Voting is July 11 (so thats another resaon not to be late) Comment to enter. -Participants so far- T3AB4GG3R117
  20. ill make a better 1 l8r this is like v 1 of 3
  21. put sumthing under the sky label on the map.
  22. i like that it doesnt ban people for modding online (halomods) or ban for telling someone to not be mean (*****) btw they called it "spam" on *****. and its not COMPLETELY full of noobs like modhalo
  23. u modified the xex it doesnt matter if u sign it, it still was and is modded but watev stupid debate.
  24. , i mean him
  25. herehttp://www.freepler.de/userdaten/389289 ... 4532.0.rar
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