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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. Shade45 did this by modding his camera, which seems east enough, just trick the camera into thinking an image on the computer is a picture.
  2. I'm saying looks can be deceiving.
  3. I'm saying looks can be deceiving.
  4. Sense you loose the game if you know you won doesn't that mean you win the game if you know you lost?
  5. Whaat are you planning on for yourbl nexta app?
  6. what's so epic about ip3?
  7. ya he said it was>_<
  8. Wow this is really good, except for those 3 seconds of nothing happening.
  9. It looks much better that the current Valhalla, but it is just a trap.
  10. sense the xex is available to anyone who wants it you should make the halo 3 section more organized by making a halo 3 map modding section.
  11. Nice, picture 17 is my new desktop.
  12. T3A guy

    Modded Film

    This has been done before, nothing special.
  13. That was an odd combo of funny and $%#^%# annoying.
  14. I hacked fbi.gov, and I'm the president elect.
  15. Bai, I'll miss the hitler gif you always post in the shoutbox. You know the one.
  16. I didn't say you get that much per member per day. besides you make $18 in ads per day don't you?
  17. The black and white looks really good, but the color is weird.
  18. T3A guy

    Modified XEX

    Sligstorm doesn't count. >_< Besides, if it didn't work then why would detox, anthony, and eazy be trying to stop it?
  19. T3A guy

    about lol

    It's a robot made of the word "lol"...
  20. Nice, you are making $2.5 per member.
  21. Wow read the main post. Nothin happens until feb 8.
  22. T3A guy

    Modified XEX

    What did you test it with? A retail xbox?
  23. Trev did you just figure that out?
  24. T3A guy

    about lol

    ***** you yungbol. Do you see what I did? I typed "se7en you yungbol" and it censored the se7en so you might think it was another word like fuck. lol
  25. T3A guy

    about lol

    LMAO Edit: There also is the lolpod: http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/525/lolpodpo2.png
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