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T3A guy

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Everything posted by T3A guy

  1. T3A guy


    Create the proxy here. Host the proxy here.
  2. How mature, just like shotspartan.
  3. Those bastards! They are literally taking a needle and putting it through the website. (LOL check your spelling)
  4. Ya after I re-read my post that is kindof what it sounds like.
  5. No that's not what I mean. I mean open them like open mirage if it is a film, and forge if it is a usermap. >_<
  6. Wow I LMAOed at too many of those. BTW I often have the wet cheeks s***.
  7. This gives me an idea for bungie. Have weather orbs!
  8. T3A guy


  9. I ROFLed at "Our kids need to know how to use medicine packs to cure zombie bites."
  10. K, I have an idea for a big app. Make a program that opens any Halo 3 CON file and runs it properly.
  11. http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/7499/andrew.png
  12. What tutorial did you use?
  13. Are you looking for ideas for a big project or small?
  14. Can I have an apology from all of the mindless putzes that thought I did it?
  15. T3A guy

    #30 poster

    I'm 29. You and H_B better watch out.
  16. I would assume it should. It stops all parts of the map from moving or changing.
  17. spam/bump are ftw?
  18. Do you live in Mexico? lol
  19. T3A guy

    #30 poster

    Ya but then you need to get 34 posts to go up one more step after that.
  20. T3A guy

    #30 poster

    Yay I just passed grizzly and I'm # 30. Only 3 posts away from 29! watch out L33T box!
  21. Make an app that emulates Halo 3 on your computer LOL
  22. If when you were born xbox was the thing, then you are at most 8 years old correct? JK lol I know what you mean, I love pong. |. . . . .| . . . . | WHOOPS!
  23. If when you were born xbox was the thing, then you are at most 8 years old correct? JK lol I know what you mean, I love pong. |. . . . .| . . . . | WHOOPS!
  24. Those are some smexy pictures there.
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