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Everything posted by Random1225

  1. Me next. My gt is General Pretzle
  2. I like smokies better. Melo's has the weird text in the corner and it's difficult to read.
  3. hmmm.... then maybe it'll take longer than I thought.
  4. Ya, but at least were getting closer to learning something and ya I'm guessing around June to august is when we figure it out.
  5. One of the Ibotmodz is spelled with a Z and the other with a "s".
  6. lol cool and is the mistake that the pikmin has 3 leaves on its head instead of one.
  7. lol cool and is the mistake that the pikmin has 3 leaves on its head instead of one.
  8. Random1225

    The Pitt

    Oh if they make something as big as the shivering isle that's gonna be so sick.
  9. Ya it'll probably take a while, but It will probably happen sooner or later.
  10. Thanks alot lewie. Now I won't have to wait like everyone else in America.
  11. Did you get them from the Halo wars thing and are you going to share? cuz I mean were buddies and all.
  12. Random1225

    The Pitt

    Ya they should make a Hollywood one after the brotherhood of steel one, but I think that the brotherhood one is probably the last expansion for it.
  13. Ya, but If you call, you can ask for one and if I remember correctly you also don't need the elite serial if you call.
  14. Ya at my school you can't go on anything that isn't like National Geographic and it was so funny I was in computer class and a friend of mine got kicked out for looking at porn.
  15. You telling us you a good person and it's new members who are flaming yet your saying you were gonna hack this site which we know you can't, but still.
  16. I saw it on Animal Planet.
  17. 1. Staff has nothing to do with this. 2. Just because you got allegedly flamed doesn't mean you flame back. 3. No one flames staff because they can ban you and most people are probably to afraid if the actually want to.
  18. That sounds good and the rest can just earn it back.
  19. I agree with slip, but I believe the demoted members should still be given the option to earn it back later.
  20. I know it wasn't directed at anyone, but It just so happens he fits the description of the problem.
  21. Well we all know that this is directed at people like V3nom, but everyone else hasn't done anything I would say is bad enough to get demoted.
  22. I guess this is a kinda good idea, but wouldn't it be easier to just demote those who didn't deserve it so that the others wouldn't have to get demoted for nothing.
  23. ok thats a little much don't you think. I mean really it's a cat.
  24. Random1225

    The Pitt

    Ya see that'd be cool seeing Hollywood filled with raiders and mutants and maybe a few survivors.
  25. You can't play them. They are their merely for modding. You can open them in johnson and make modded usermaps for them.
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