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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Ok guys. I just got this game yesterday and I need help with Nikos phone. I press up on the d-pad and the phone comes up. To enter cheats and to get the number pad up you have to press up on the d-pad twice. But it won't come up for me. Please tell me how.
  2. This is it mc. I'm sick of you flaming my friends! Noone here likes you! You are the damn freak that likes to spam. You think your all that. Well your not! You suck at life! We all hope you die!
  3. Mc and silly. You both think your the s***. Both of you stfu. Mc if I have to I'll shove your ass up sillys ass and his head up your ass so you guys wont even see the light of day ever again. And trust me I know some hacking. I don't know a lot but I know a decent amount.
  4. Lmao another spam post. This belongs under off-topic because this isn't really general chat.
  5. Loving V2. I used to have V2 on my old forum. But anyways still loving the skin.
  6. Please do not bump really old topics. Like this is like a 3 month bump. Please don't do it again.
  7. No offense but I'm not getting what this is for. It looks like it wasn't made by you. Sorry but I just don't like it.
  8. Well if they don't then there's the link.
  9. It's a program isn't it? So it belongs here.
  10. Moved: http://ibotmodz.net/forum/files/file/99-explorer-360-extreme-2/
  11. Well the mod should be playable. But overall by the screenshot's it looks decent.
  12. Well here's my suggestion. Active VIP that are one everyday and have a good amount of posts should be a bluish color. Then normal VIP should be the same color.
  13. Problem with the rainbow color is it's gonna be like big amounts of typing bbcode and span.
  14. Q1: No Q2: Yes Q3: 5-10 (if not then 10-15)
  15. Edit By Fattwam: as funny as it is he wants it deleted lmao this is funny. steven your the best dude. dont get mad at me for this.
  16. Keep me VIP please.
  17. I have help this time from Cakey aka dakhaosguy
  18. Hello everybody. Recently I've been observing Ibotmodz. I've been seeing the site has died. Well I have an idea. Three sites linked together like friends. Like they would still be different sites just working as a team. These three sites would be Ibotmodz, Team Binary, and Team Hex. Now you have not heard of Team Hex but it's my and Dr. Cakeys knew site. Maybe somehow if we link these sites together we can get them more active. Currently Team Hex is running on phpbb but we intend on running IPB. On Team Hex I am known as Hexanator and Cakey is known as DeadlyHex. But before we link them I'm gonna do a peaches thing right now. Guys I want your ideas before we do anything. I'm not advertising at this moment. My site has no Halo 3 modding. Links(not advertising. remove if you want): http://www.teamhex.org http://www.ibotmodz.net http://www.teambinary.org
  19. I'll miss ya Steven. That site has a terrible skin to.
  20. Dude seriously. Don't flame and thanks for this post Korupt even though I have my own private kv.
  21. I'm going to be serious. I'm really not that impressed of that. But anthony is an amazing modder so it is a good mod.
  22. Nice app. Will come in useful in the near future.
  23. Yes I can.
  24. Don't bump year old topics please and stop spamming.
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