my desktop as of 6/5/11 not as stylised as it once was, but tbh im all into my music creation now. gota free up those cpu cycles for audio processing fellas btw, those folders in my launcher bar are (top to bottom) Applications - Games - Adobe Maser collection cs5.5 - M$ office 2011
i know its a big old bump... but hey i like threads like these. here's my slightly shoddy uni set-up. gotta make room for way too much stuff the TV is a 22" Polaroid screen with a res of 1680x1050, the monitors are samson studiodock 4i, thats my pc under the desk (spec in sig) and my xbox is sat on top of it smooshed up to my wifi router... i usually just use the pc as a blu-ray player/film archive so it dosent get much love lately :/ the tv tends to be used as a secondary screen for my macbook on the right of the pic, but right now im supposed to be writing an essay so im lying in bed without hooking it up. i have a 61 key carillion control 61 midi keyboard just out of shot for my composing/mixing purposes. and i have 2 xbox's downstairs in my living room, 1 a really old x-clamped whitey-beige thing... and another nice shiny new xbox that was given to me as faulty (dropped, no physical damage but fans won't spin up so it just turns off after like 1 second) that i will be trying to fix this summer. oh, and watch out for bumblebee behind my macbook, he's killed before and he'l kill again if anyone touches my stuff EDIT: found a pic of my home setup too, thought i'd share it for the hell of it. looks like im booting into my hackintosh partition there, as you can see im dual screening, (left, 19" Acer 1366x768 - right daewoo 17" 1024x768...given to me free, its horrible, but its better than nothing). the big tv from my earlier pic is being used purely for my macbook and xbox at the foot of my bed. not rly worth a photo, or i couldn't be bothered at the time... this pic is probably around a month or so old
just watched it on the news! its been a long time coming, but im glad this has finaly happened. be vigilant though stateside members, a retaliation wouldn't shock me but for now, time to celebrate me thinks!
all i want is skyrim!!! just bring me skyrim and all will be ok oh, and maybe actually release the honest hearts update for fallout new vegas... i've done all i can do on it... give me more quests damn it!!!
i'd be willing to donate, you can have it on a rolling month by month contract which is good for if it becomes unaffordable. how much would you need from me? and (noob alert)... whats the /give command?
wish you could i like peaches server, but being a noob player, its to developed for me to be of any use. i need a blank canvas to work with for me to be of any use. and itd be more fun for me
would anyone be able to start a blank server? let us all play and build a world without mods i know i'm lame but i prefer playing this sort of game vanilla