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Everything posted by matty0

  1. well if your trying on your own then thats your problem. if not then try it on a different corner. i reccomend the skull location on sierra as another spot 2 look at.
  2. yeah it has 2 b 90 degrees it does kinda suck. the only places ive found that it works are 1 on the ark, the one on halo u see in this vid and the 1 on sierra 117... i bet there are lots on multiplayer but i havent looked... i probably should lol
  3. yeah sure, just add me an send me a message saying who u r (i dont accept randomers... i get like 5 fr's a day!) an i'd b happy 2 reccord it! all i ask is my name in the credits... is that ok with u?
  4. a new tutorial video by me, with all 3 ways out of the storm that i currently know. i have an idea for a new one though, so expect more soon! Requirements~ ~Deployable Cover ~Grenades/Brute Shot ~Time. Enjoy! BlackXhorneT
  5. well wen me an my bro do it we have him walking towards the wall as well (he stands on top an i do the jumps) but no it dosent need anything else at all really... the only really important thing is to find a perfect right angle!
  6. he does very little tbh... in this vid peter walks into the wall but since then we've realised he just has 2 stand there... its a verry weird glitch lol
  7. glad u like it, and yes i kept it simple for a very good reason, its a simple glitch
  8. thanks, good u like it
  9. Another Glitch tut for you all. This time its the Elevator Jump. Basicaly getting one person on top of another and defying gravity! Requirements~ ~2 Players ~Mic's ~For this particular spot, A Warthog ~Strong, Fast Thumb! ~A Right Angle! So here it is, if you diddnt already know it then i hope it helps. Ps, i advise watching in higher quality as the writing is a little hard 2 see in standard quality. Cast~ ~Master Chief = count peter ~Arbiter = BlackXhorneT Enjoy, BlackXhorneT
  10. *Derived's*
  11. hahahahahahahahaha awesome!
  12. shame its square, do a screen sized one, (eg, 1024 x 768)
  13. ok, so as many of you know im a very enthusiastic glitcher and my favourate thing 2 do is to get out of maps in forge mode using teleporters. i only put em in decent spots so if its a crappy spot i dont bother I use a veriety of techniques to do this, the bump technique, tele-tapping and a few tricks of my own (thats how i got up to the top on construct ).quick note to point out to avoid confusion, some teleporters may need you to jump through (on rats nest in particular, i will be fixing this, probably 2morrow).I only use spots that r fun or interesting. So here they are in no particular order. EVERY ONE OF THESE WAS MADE BY ME. i have stolen nobodys work and i never will. all of these teleporters were placed by me and a few close friends and i feel proud that we have done so. Also i owe a HUGE thankyou to fadingshadow122 for his tut on getting items through barriers. thanks a lot mate, i couldnt of got to some of these spots without you! (well i could get there... just not put a tele down b4 hehe, so thanks!!) and most of all a mahusive thanks 2 my bro count peter and the legend that is justxkyle. u 2 put up with my constant desire 2 glitch more than anyone should ever have 2 lol. ur legends guys. NEW Out Snowbound http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=46228559 (On the cliffs {pathway all around}, Blue/black rooms, under the level, past the gun turret range.) Out Foundry http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=21821409 (windows, Rafters, Outside, loads of other random spots) Out Rats Nest http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=39666257 (Updates done - no longer need 2 jump to get up into controll rooms) Out Vallhala http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=21821316 (on all the cliffs all around the level, benhind the waterfall, in the water) Out Narrows http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=39683908 (Updates done - teleporters under each base in beam room {you have 2 jump through, i dont think thats been done before!!!}) Out The Pit http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=39332557 (2 many places 2 specify, but some are really cool!) Out Construct http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=39322795 (in 2 secret rooms ideal for cops n robbers, out to the structure in the distance, under the level) Out Avalanche http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=39324383 (on both the bases, On the structure in the middle, Both blue rooms, Under Both Tele Rooms) Out Ghost Town http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=39680465 (Updates done - got above brick room, and on invisible floors above level) thats just a random selection, i think i have just about every map done. these are just my favourates. If you need a map doing, just send me a message and i'll do it, if you want a specific place on that map then make sure 2 write that in so i dont miss it. DON'T ask me 2 do Cold Storage. there are 2 spots you can put a tele down (behind a wall and in the SMALL flood tank) so no i cant do it in the flood room, or the blue room as you die instantly, and no i cant go benieth the floor as u die after like 5 secconds evem if you arent under the ground. no point! i hope you all enjoy and rate for me. and if you use any of the spots in a map then shoot me a little credit. i will update with either pics or a vid if requested. but i think that lookin for yourself will be more fun. Enjoy, BlackXhorneT
  14. its not the 1st vid ive done, its the first for a while ive done like 7 vids all togeather but yeah, the seccond 1 is like 1 post down from this hehe
  15. thats the point of the tut mate so you can see it for yourself! its a pirate just so you know.
  16. glad u all liked it an yeah, i miss the scarab gun 2
  17. glad you liked it thanks for the support mate
  18. Ok, its been a while since my last glitch vid, so i have 2 for you, this is the 1st this is a tutorial for how to get onto the ship on the storm. It requires 2 people and is really very simple. Requirements ~ ~ 2 (or more) players ~ A Ghost (a chopper will do but its harder) ~ Someone who is accurate with jumping. thats all you need! so here's the video. i know its nothing new but it isnt an easy glitch to work out, so this is my methold for how to do it. Enjoy! (ps, watch in high quality, its much better!) So, there you go i hope that helped anyone who diddnt already know about this. Cast~ ~Master Chief = justxkyle ~Arbiter = BlackXhorneT
  19. matty0

    My Sister

    i truely wish her the best of luck. look after her m8. my sis is only 7 but i cant imagine what ur going thru. get well soon, an prayers for no cancer, stay strong dude.
  20. im happy 2 join but can you make a better poster? i'll make 1 if u llike but that thing is embarassing lol
  21. i've done a little bit of OS editing... it works but its never as solid as a propper xp build. i strongly advis using standard xp and using either windowblinds or style xp to customise the appearence. and as for the programs, tweaks etc. u can get them all seperately and tweak yourself... there is no advantage 2 this. and it's less likely to last.
  22. the software and hardware i use is - Hardware ~ ~Dazzle DVC 130 (the blue 1... call it cheap but my video's r awesome quality) ~Creative X-Fi Fatal1ty Platinum (you wont find a better home audio card) ~Sennheiser e825 Microphone. (better than an SM58 if you know sound recording speak) Software ~ ~Pinnacle Studio 10.8 (i highly reccomend using the bundled software for doing the raw reccording) ~Windows Movie Maker Vista (i know its awful. im learning sony vegas but im awful atm...) ~Sony Vegas (Soon to be my standard eding suite) ~Adobe Audition 3.0 (VERY good audio recording/mastering program. if you dont want to pay though i advise audacity) ~Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended (for logo/title screen design) thats it for me if your interested then i line the 360 directly into my tv and it has a RCA output on the back of the set. so i go Xbox into tv, tv into capture {audio into my sound card} Thats my setup
  23. 2 of the ":D " glitches are mine WOOP WOOP WOOP. btw, there is a MUCH easier way out of Sierra than the version you have up there! that 1 seems 2 require 3 people. but i do it with 2 using a grav-hammer jump. if u want a vid of that i can do 1... its quite simple
  24. hmm that sounds interesting! an thanks for ur comment ur a 1st class glitcher so it means a lot cummin from you dude! btw, if you wanna add me we can do some video's of your glitches. my capture card is up an running agen so i'd b happy 2 record 4 ya me an justxkyle are tryin 2 get a SMALL group of genuinely decent glitchers 2geather, an if u'd b interested i'd b realy happy 4 u 2 join!
  25. you can get 2 people on the turrets but you cant get 2 people inside. for some reason it always seems 2 pull one out when you go through the barrier. it might b possible but i think its 2 much hastle for no reason lol. just stick 2 1 person inside. 2 on the turrets is fine tho. what did u think of the tut? did it make sense? i kinda rushed it... honest oppinion please!
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