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Everything posted by matty0

  1. Yet another glitch by me(BlackXhorneT) & my good friend justxkyle im realy gettin into em now hehehe this one is i think compleatly new. its basicaly flying out the map on Sierra 117. I just got my computer back working so i thought i would do a quick tutorial as its been a while! Its not done the same as the Crows Nest Phantoms, its done like the Tsavo Highway ones. Unfortunately this glitch gets you to the same place you would normaly get out the map in... but this'l show you how 2 do it in a much more interesting way lol. Requirements ~ ~ At Least 2 Players. Any more will make no difference. ~ EASY MODE!!! You will be running past loads of enemies.Any mode other than easy and you could die. ~ Practice balancing on phantoms (i advise crows nest) ~ Decide before hand who is on the turret, and who is ballancing. Then your good 2 go!!! (before anybody sez this has been done before by "Halo Mexico"... it hasnt. they jumped inside another phantom on the level that kills you as soon as you get out from the level. pointless. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-6iuGlv ... re=related check it out if u dont belive me) So without further ado, here's the glitch [youtube:3jsd7jep]qrP-rseVrBQ[/youtube:3jsd7jep] {i advise viewing it direct from here as it has a view in higher quality option.I Strongly suggest if you want to do this, that you download from here as the quality is much better. http://rapidshare.com/files/128317527/B ... h.wmv.html} Hope it all makes sense, i'll write out instructions if not. Cast - Master Chief = justxkyle Arbiter = BlackXhorneT Thanks for watching, BlackXhorneT P.S if you already did the vid kyle im sorry i was just using it 2 test out my card again.
  2. sorry m8 lol. i found it when me an my bro were tryin 2 get the skulls ages ago. i probly should have included it... but i found it quite borin out there. theres nuthin 2 do realy
  3. if its going over the fence at the start of the mission then me an count peter found that ages ago... we just found it a little boring. if its somewhere else id b happy 2 see it
  4. 2 hours? we did it in like 20 mins ish... its just setting up the deployable cover 2 jump from that takes the practice from our experiance. btw, countpeter said to say "meh... who dosent like meh"
  5. glad u like it guys. if u wanna see it im sure i could convince my bro 2 help out so you could see it. but if not, i'll put the vid up on my fileshare so you can watch exctly how we did it and try it for yourselfes...(we mess up a lot in the vid...ok i mess up a lot ) so go easy on me!
  6. thanks u tried it?
  7. ok, this glitch took longer to plan out than any of my other glitches and requires extream co-operarion. so only attempt this if you can realy work as a team. basicaly, the glitch is getting ALL phantoms outside of crows nest. not just 1... not just 2... all 3 here's the requirements before you watch the video. - AT LEAST 3 people {4 would make getting the phantom i get in the vid much simpler} - A Deployable cover EACH {there are 4 on a platform down the stairs as you enter the hanger} - A mic EACH {particularly for the one i do, you need to be able to communicate with whoever puts down the deployable cover for you 2 jump from} - At least one player who is VERY good at equipment jmps, particularly using deployable covers - Finaly, you need persistance. most people know how to get out the easy phantom (justxkyle's one in this vid) but the other 2 require you to do very oddjump (mine requires a equipment jump, count peter's requires a curve jump) If you can say yes to all those things. then your good to go my friends! here's the vid recorded by justxkyle. ENJOY!!! [youtube:2oix392b]M0w_Jm032Lw[/youtube:2oix392b] (i highly reccomend comming to this page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0w_Jm032Lw and selecting the option to watch in higher quality. it's easier to tell what we're doing that way) Actors: Master Chief - Count Peter Arbiter - BlackXhorneT {Me } Blue Elite - justxkyle if you have any qusetions please ask em, this isnt an obvious glitch to perform lol but it gets some cool screenshots Special thanks to kyle for this one, he recorded, edited, and put up with my constant frustration of not being able to do my jump propperly lol Thanks guys BlackXhorneT
  8. nice 1 guys. i'll add you both asap. my pc is ruined atm so i cant record but if you'll show me the places i can save the vid in theatre and then when i get my pc back i'll do the vid strait away. an of course u get all the credit
  9. yes i know this isnt realy new. but ive never seen a propper tutuorial on how to do either of these glitches. so i made one myself. i have now found another glitch on ths level that i will do a vid for soon, but my pc is buggered atm so i cant <!-- s:banghead: --><!-- s:banghead: --> anyway here's the vid, hope it can help some people who arent realy sure how to do either of these glitches. Note: i do these in 1 player because i am practiced at them and i know how to do them pretty much 100% of the time. if this is your first attempt at this, i advise you do the seccond glitch with a friend. as the grenade jump at the end is stupidly hard and a double jump would make it SOOOO easy. or a deployable cover i suppose. anyway here it is. watch and enjoy <!-- s:) --><!-- s:) --> Please leave me comments. im always happy to hear your oppinions. and also, *fingers crossed* i will have my pc fixed in the next few days. so i plan on making a tut on how to get out of each campaign level in at least 1 spot per level. so if you're an experianced glitcher, or know a campaign glitch that isnt already famous, then send me a message and i'll include you in the videos. also, if you have any decent forge/multiplayer glitches i will see them too. im not that gr8 at that sort of glitch so if you know any then please show me and i'll do a vid just for you. with my name only appearing in the credits. Enjoy, BlackXhorneT (Matty0)
  10. No it needs 2 b grenades. my m8 claims its possible to snipe him through there... but he's never showed me and tbh i think he's talking crap. stick with grenades. much easier
  11. its in the credits its a song by kids in glass houses... raise hell i think. im not totaly sure. watch the credits an find out
  12. every single one. i would advise trying Tsavo highway as it workes perfectly and i jumped on top of it as it flew up. it looked rly cool!
  13. my mate uses spikes 2... im deffinately a plasma fan. i spose its just what suits the player
  14. story just ends... you cant finnish lol. its just 2 do the glitch, not finnish the level
  15. Fantastic glad i made the cut no it wasnt fall out boy, it sed at the end that it was kids in glass houses, an there awesome! hehe. i'll go with slipknot next time i think
  16. no worries dude, it takes practice!!! i must have tried 20-30 times to get the one on crows nest lol. but do learn on that 1, its virtualy static so your aim will b easier.
  17. matty0

    My Resigner

    fake. just shuts off your pc. end of story
  18. thanks 4 the feedback guys i will embed it now. i never thought 2 do that
  19. heya guys, some of you might know that i recently went out an bought myself a capture card. so i thought i'd try it out and this is my first video. i know im not good at editing and it isnt perfect, but hey, i hope it can help you out a little its a video of how to kill pellicans using sticky grenades, and using the stop camera to show the full effects of how it looks. i'll show how to use the deployable cover's soon, but that tutorial will require my bro 2 b home from school... he's the expert there lol. so anyway, here's the video and at the bottom is a download for the full resolution version. its only 20mb so if you realy wanna try this i suggest downloading it. (youtube ruins video quality ) anyway, here it is, please give me feedback so i can improve for my next video (a new out of map glitch on siera 117 with JustxKyle;)) Please leave vid comments 2 ive never uploaded a vid before so i'd like to see a couple of little notes back 2 me. [youtube:knu6scog]GlW7vVCAuC4[/youtube:knu6scog] Rapidshare Download link http://rapidshare.com/files/123610448/B ... o.wmv.html BlackXhorneT (Matty0)
  20. good stuff!!! helped me loads. i was pretty clueless but i think im gonna go 4 it now. awesome tut man. thanks
  21. i'll post a video. i'll get kyle in agen an we'll show u how its done. download the map an u can see in there 4 urself (yes its possible lol) but unfortunately u need 2 jump through the teleporter... ah well at least i got 2 a new spot! i'll try an do the vid 2night or 2morrow. so stay tuned.
  22. u should try em. i did it with my m8 (JustxKyle) an we found loads of random glitches. he helped me find out how 2 get under the energy beams in narrows 2. its well cool down there
  23. no i diddnt. i used a clever combo. my mate was connection host then i got him 2 download 7gb torrent. this used up 99% of his bandwith which then totaly laggs up the game. then i was able to just place them up there an they just stayed. it was realy easy
  24. yeah, i got all around the top of the level, theres loads of places with an invisible floor up there!!! updates all done on file share now!!!
  25. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=39324383 try that out for size. made by me
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