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Everything posted by matty0

  1. dont like it, listen with the sound down
  2. yeah its a tricky 1, well worth doing tho. you can get kik ass screen shots
  3. ok, posted earler was a walkthrough on how to do this, but i think videos are much easier to follow. so here it is, sit back take notes, and enjoy. Matty0 {BlackXhorneT}
  4. well considering it actualy just spawns a new phantom when it gets 2 the end, i doubt we'll ever know
  5. i know the feeling, its hard 2 find gd team mates no, you just get stuck
  6. yeah ive done that one. its really fun...but quite a mission to do lol. there is like no floor out there, its all invisible... very strange lol
  7. no i dont disect it, i just play through levels with my knowlege of glitches at the front of my mind. if i spot an invisible barrier, i'll work out a way through it, if i see a phantom, i'll hop in... i dont pre-plan them very often (except my tripple phantom glitch... that was a b****) but anyway, my gt is in my sig i love my little logo hehe its not as obvious as you would expect, most people stay inside and fight off the flood so arbie leaves before you even get to see the phantom. its only iff you really really rush that you can beat him. if you look closely on my vid you'll see that even tho i rushed past everything, i only just beat him!
  8. i just love it if you enjoy something you'll keep improving and working out more an more interesting glitches eventualy i'll run out but i doubt thatl b soon lol
  9. ok. this is a very cool glitch thats very easy 2 do. start the covenant on rally point alpha, activate the switch in the building, avoid the flood then out run the arbiter into his phantom. easy as pie. heres the vid. enjoy matty0 {BlackXhorneT}
  10. Tried this earlier and it works great! im gonna do a video 2night and upload it to youtube. i'll make sure to mention you in the credits. thanks a lot!
  11. tell me what the glitch is 1st, im not lookin 2 bulk up my friends list. im interested in seeing something new! you have to already have the glitch in mind, if you have 1 then let me know an i'll add you.
  12. awesome! i love this idea! im gonna try it after my lunch. would it be ok if i made a video tutorial for it? i'll give you a shout in the credits as the founder of the glitch. i hope it works 4 me! sounds well random. matty0 {BlackXhorneT}
  13. yes i do, but i think you'd need 4 people in the party so the lag would make it 2 difficult
  14. ok, this is a really simple glitch that anyone can do. all you need is 2 people... that simple. you just start at rally point alpha (the storm) kill the scarab, then go into the next area and follow the tutorial. its quite a basic glitch tbh... but i always wondered how to do it. so now ive figured it out, i'll share it with you guys, so enjoy. There you go =) Matty0 {BlackXhorneT}
  15. if you can get a DS RAM cartridge, then there are translated roms out already. you could download one of them and your away
  16. if you have a new or rare glitch, please show me and i'll reccord it there and then so i can hear your speach explaining it as we go. i will then edit it, add step by step annotations, and then upload to youtube. Please dont ask me to reccord some old glitch that everyone knows, im only interested in new fun glitches. so if you found a new way out of a map, a veichle trick, a tele glitch... whatever it is thats fine. all i ask is that im in the vid and that your ok with my BlackXhorneT Productions logo at the start of the vid. so let me know!
  17. sorry about that. i had an email about a copy right protection thing that i had to "protest" because i used the Guns n Roses tune night train as backing music. while it was being disputed they changed the music to some crappy midi tune in stead. i will try and get night train back but if not then just watch it with the sound down lol. its still a decent tnough tut, just without the cool tune-age. sorry guys.
  18. Adobe_Photoshop_CS4_Stonehenge_Links.doc i have attatched a word doc with links to download the beta. if this is against the rules then please remove it and i appolagise. if not then enjoy!
  19. yeah lol. he's an annoying little bugger so i like getting a bit of a beating on him lol its well worth a go, its a shame there isnt more 2 do but hey, i spose you could jump down and explore all the tanks etc... still have fun
  20. this isnt really a glitch, but its close 2 it and its a cool little trick to try out with a mate. its basicaly getting to that weird metal constilation accross from the light bridge on the ark... i know none of you will know where i mean but the vid explains. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvuzuR8HqaY Hope you all enjoy it, it was well fun to do =) Enjoy, Matty0 {BlackXhorneT}
  21. wow! im glad u liked it so much
  22. thanks =) im glad u liked it. that was my fav bit 2 lol
  23. this is my first ever attemp at a machinima so dont expect too much lol. but anyway, i made it with my bro an i found it well fun. so have a watch, and give me your oppinions! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LvnUILACWI if you like it give us a comment ps, if any of you have any ideas for episode 2, id b very pleased 2 hear them =) Matty0 {BlackXhorneT}
  24. ok i'll help you out. first of all get the youtube video you want to embed. i will use this one as an example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DF4beIcEIo there is the adress for that youtube video. now, we just need the "identifier" code for it. that is the bit after "watch?v=" so in this case its 6DF4beIcEIo now. you have the identifier code, all you need to do is wrap it in "youtube" tags. so to do that type out [youtube][/youtube] around it. so it will look like this [youtube]6DF4beIcEIo[/youtube] and the result will be and there you have it i hope that helps Matty0 {BlackXhorneT}
  25. ok, this glitch isnt anything perticularly special... but hey its loads of fun i highly reccomend doing it on 2 player... single player has its challanges!!! so basicaly, grab a thin veichle, drive it through the arks labarynth right to the end... then drive off lol. after a seccond or 2 of falling (as long as you dare) exit the veichle and hope. if done right you will be floating! there are random barriers everywhere (including death barriers) so watch your step out there! its really funny to do it without telling the other player, they just think you spontaniously decided to commit suicide lol. anyway, here it is =) enjoy people! sorry it was a bit long winded... anyway there you go =) now go an try it out already! Matty0 {BlackXhorneT}
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