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Everything posted by matty0

  1. update to rats nest and ghost town comming 2morrow Fixes - Rats Nest = fixed teleporter so you dont have to jump through it to get into the control room. Ghost Town = got above the brick room (already out the map) and built a little area up there so you casn look around. both these updates make the maps much more impressive so stay tuned for them to be updated!
  2. show me the pictures an i bet i can get there i pretty much no every glitch possible for this level
  3. im gonna use ur trick 2 get the tele sorted on rats nest. im gonna get 1 up into the controll room so u dont hav 2 jump through the teleporter
  4. no worries mate its quite a hobby of mine realy. i now have an update for Ghost town and rats nest that i will add to my file share and update in this post tonight (one new spot in ghost town, an easier teleporter in rats nest) thanks for the support
  5. viewtopic.php?f=72&t=3914&p=22153#p22153 have a look at construct, on the top floor your trick got me behind some glass and above a ceiling. so thanks mate
  6. ok, so as many of you know im a very enthusiastic glitcher and my favourate thing 2 do is to get out of maps in forge mode using teleporters. i only put em in decent spots so if its a crappy spot i dont bother I use a veriety of techniques to do this, the bump technique, tele-tapping and a few tricks of my own (thats how i got up to the top on construct ).quick note to point out to avoid confusion, some teleporters may need you to jump through (on rats nest in particular, i will be fixing this, probably 2morrow).I only use spots that r fun or interesting. So here they are in no particular order. EVERY ONE OF THESE WAS MADE BY ME. i have stolen nobodys work and i never will. all of these teleporters were placed by me and i feel proud to have done so. Also i owe a HUGE thankyou to fadingshadow122 for his tut on getting items through barriers. thanks a lot mate, i couldnt of got to some of these spots without you! (well i could get there... just not put a tele down b4 hehe, so thanks!!) Out Foundry http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=21821409 Out Rats Nest http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=39666257 (Updates done - no longer need 2 jump to get up into controll rooms) Out Vallhala http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=21821316 Out Narrows http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=39683908 (Updates done - teleporters under each base in beam room {you have 2 jump through, i dont think thats been done before!!!}) Out The Pit http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=39332557 Out Construct http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=39322795 Out Avalanche http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=39324383 Out Ghost Town http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=39680465 (Updates done - got above brick room, and on invisible floors above level) thats just a random selection, i think i have just about every map done. these r just my favourates. i hope you all enjoy and rate for me. and if you use any of the spots in a map then shoot me a little credit. i will update with either pics or a vid if requested. but i think that lookin for yourself will be more fun. Enjoy, BlackXhorneT
  7. i'd done this b4 when the glitch was discoverd by someone else the tut is on youtube and it has been for a LONG while. so dont act like you discovered this. but still. its a very fun thng 2 do an its well worth a go (you may get stressed if it dosent work. it took like an hour 4 me 2 get it right)
  8. hahahahaha no. and teabagger... dont sell a resigner, either release or keep private
  9. realy easy mate. once you've done it once you can do it 1000x. i'll make a video if any1 wants. im dying 2 try out my capture card
  10. i just finnished making an out of avalanche map with it i got into the glass under the teleporter room and i think i may be able 2 get somewhere pretty cool on construct 2 once there finnished i'll post both maps so you can see em
  11. nice glitch!!! this helped me get teleporters into loads more out of map areas!!!
  12. no worries
  13. theres still an invisible wall tho. your not "out the level". if you wanna get out propperly, play in (at least) 3 player mode. get master chief (the connection host usualy) to walk strait into the barrier get all other players 2 commit suicide simultaniusly while waiting to respawn hold forwards on all players controllers Hopefully the blue elite will spawn through the barrier (almost all the time with the exeption of hard barriers) now get all other players 2 commits suicide simultainiously and will all spawn PROPPERLY out the map try that glitch out!
  14. yeah it can b pretty hard. but if you follow the tut it should b fine (just a note, me an count peter were on the same xbox)
  15. this is a vid we made yesterday of us getting out of the ark. it was our 1st try at the glitch so it was a little flakey but it all worked out theres instructions at the bottom of the screen and if you need any more info feel free 2 ask. this is our first glitch vid (hopefully of many!!) so let us know how we could improve! (yes we know we should practice more next time lol) http://files.filefront.com/out+of+ark+f ... einfo.html (download) ... nal.wmv/X6 Credits go 2, BlackXhorneT - Glitch Concept, (Arbiter) Count Peter - Team Leader, Commentator, (Master Chief) JustXKyle - Recording, Editing, (Blue Elite)
  16. diddnt realise there was a graphix section of the site i'll show some of my stuff. ive only bin doin photoshop 4 the last 3 or 4 months so im nothin amazing but i think some of it is cool. (some will be of other peoples names, i used to run a sig shop on another website) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18305-517.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18305-518.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18305-519.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18305-520.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18305-521.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18305-522.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18305-523.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18305-524.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18305-525.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18305-526.jpg (my favourate one - click to see full quality i no its not all very good but i like em its nice 2 see a little collection all togeather. theres loads more enjoy (ps, as u may ov guessed, i moderated a site called movie-forumz. my username was matty0 - i retired ages ago)
  17. my go http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17670-557.jpg Blatez best 1
  18. i heard there were wepons of mass distruction in iraq dont always belive what u hear
  19. dude this is a bad idea! threataning a global company who have prosactued b4... not smart! just say sorry and only make mods in private... its not worth gettin a conviction over a video game! as for releasing the resigner, if you do dont just give it 2 any1...just the people who no wat 2 do with it
  20. dude if your gonna make 1 have a better gui!!! i'll make u the images if u like...but dont release that! lol. i hope this isnt like the paint 1... that was just immature. good luck with it
  21. i have a ghost town mod its filled with active trip mines, flags and skulls.
  22. ok dude. calm down. im gonna check it...
  23. statement retracted. officialy proved wrong. i appolagise.
  24. just qued it. im a bit of an out of map forger myself. i made a challange map above the level i'll upload if u like. i'll rate this 2moz wen i can see it
  25. awesome thanks! btw, i copied ur gamertag into people finder on bungie an it cant find u :s can u put a link 2 ur share wen u upload it so i can get it? hope u will thankies
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