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Everything posted by matty0

  1. glad i could inspire you nope no windowblinds, i used 2 have the program on my old pc (1gb ram, pentium D 2.5ghz) an it slowed it down like hell!!! i will never use that program again lol. this is a much better way imo
  2. sorry i clicked post thread in stead of preview thread lol. all up and finnished now, have a read!
  3. ok to start with, this tutorial has its risks and i *in no way* take responsibilty for any damages done to your computer. i will endeavor to assist you if something goes wrong but you do this at your own risk and i ask that you read this very carefully from start to finnish before trying this. The steps will be very simple and easy to follow, but i do ask that you proceed with caution. Now, moving onto the tutorial. Ok, so this is the standard windows xp theme http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/unsigned%20theme%20tut/unsigned1.png ...very boring and certainly dosent look good enough 4 my beast of a pc lol. so i will now walk you through exactly what you need to do in a few short steps, how to make it look however you like. an important point to mention now, is that this tutorial does not use either "windowblinds" or "style XP" these 2 programs use an enourmous amount of resources and on slower computers can cause huge lag. this methold uses precisely no recourses (well no more than the oridnary start menu uses anyway) so if you can run the xp theme, you can run this. -=- TUTORIAL -=- Step 1 - Ok, so step one is to locate which version of xp you are on (by this i mean which service pack) and to do this, navigate to Start/Control Pannel/System - then look on that page and it will look something like this http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/unsigned%20theme%20tut/unsigned2.png and as you can see from this i am on service pack 3. You will need to remember which service pack you are on to download the corect patch in the next step. Step 2 - no you know which service pack you are on you need to download the correct patched "uxtheme.dll" (this will be explained later) Service pack 1 users download - SP1_uxtheme.rar Service pack 2 users download - SP2_uxtheme.rar Service pack 3 users download - SP3_uxtheme.rar now i want you to download the appropriate uxtheme.dll into a folder on your desktop. call it whatever you like. Step 3 - ok so now you know what service pack you have, and you have the patched uxtheme. this file you have just downloaded is a hacked system file that usualy checks all themes on your pc are microsoft signed, so basicaly that allows "luna" "classic" and "royale"... loads of choice there! but this file you have just downloaded is a hacked version of that file that has the microsoft check removed. this means ANY downloaded theme will run. So now you have and understand the uxtheme.dll you downloaded, you will want to replace the origional with it. but lovely microsoft diddnt want to make that easy, so you have a few more things you will need to do, and the next one of them will be to download "Replacer" from THIS LINK and save it in the same folder as your patched uxtheme.dll Step 4 - ok so this is now where it gets a little dangerous... from here on out its your own responsibilty for any consiquences. ok. so go into the folder on your desktop and run "replacer.cmd" it will look like this http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/unsigned%20theme%20tut/unsigned3.png then go to my computer and navigate to "%hard drive%/windows/system32 then scroll down (alphabetical order) to find uxtheme.dll, that is the origional microsoft uxtheme. we want to replace that with the patched one we downloaded earlier. so now simply drag-n-drop that into the replacer program you have up then press enter on it. replacer should then ask you to drag in the file you want to replace it with, so now go to your desktop and open the folder with the patched uxtheme.dll you download and drag-n-drop that folder into replacer and pres enter again. it will ask you if you are sure and tell it that you are. then you will need to restart your compuer and hope for the best (i have done this patching literaly 20+ times and every time has worked without difficulty). Step 5 - ok now assuming windows boots up you have done it! now you can install unsigned themes so i will now leave you to download to your hearts content but as a start i reccomend downloading "Royale Remixed" from THIS link as this is the theme i use. it is unsigned and if it runs then congratulations you have suceeded!!! it should look like this http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/unsigned%20theme%20tut/unsigned4.png assuming this works fine then well done! just read step 6 to finnish off. but if either A) your pc wont turn on, then i am very sorry but you will either need to boot in safe mode and do a system restore, or re-install xp. B) your pc boots but wont run unsigned themes, then repeat the process and make sure you have the right uxtheme.dll downloaded. Step 6 - download themes!!! google away and when you find some, store them in the folder "%hard drive%/WINDOWS/Resources" and then close the folder. then on your desktop right click and then choose properties, then to over to the tab called appearance. then in the drop down menu called windows and buttons, you can chose from any of the themes you download and apply them direct through windows!!! well done youve done it! -=- little extra thing -=- now lets b honest if you read this in the back of your mind your probably thinking "so with this i can make xp look like vista?" and the answer is yes you can an i can help you out a little bit there as well i have searched the internet high and low and i can say with a degree of certainty that ive found the best theme. and i will upload it for you and put a link just about... HERE and extract the whole file into the folder i specified earlier then go and apply it, then to finnish of the theme install ViOrb that i discussed in THIS THREAD earlier and this will complete the theme. Sorry if this has been a really long tutorial but i really wanted to be thouragh and i hope that i have been, i hope all goes well for you and if you have any problems please ask me and i will do my best to help. Matty0 ------------------------------------ 25/2/09 updated with new download links to patched uxtheme.dll files for all xp service packs (SP1, SP2, SP3) direct on the ibotmodz website this time so hopefuly they'l stay up
  4. matty0

    My new logo

    theres a couple of bits of photoshop advice i would give to you mate, first of all delete the black background and save the pic as a .png, itl have transparensy around it so itl look really professional and cool seccond, the font isnt so bad but personaly i would have done the effects quite differently. if i was you (just my oppinion) right click the layer then go 2 blending tools and remove ALL effects currently on it, then in blending options go under the heading "Blending options: Default" then turn the "fill opacity" to 0. then go onto drop shadow and make one with 100% opacity. this will make it look engraved into your background an look genuinely awesome you can try wiht a few fonts to make something really special, for this particular sig i think a font called "Abbadon" would look sweeeet. good job though mate i really like it very impressive for an origional check out mine http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/lolsig3.png an heres a little icon i made http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/BlackXhorneTicon-1.png this is what i started with so i think you can see how ive improved http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/halosigcopy-1-1-1.png
  5. ephpod
  6. 18 and counting no problem glad u like it
  7. ok m8 i will i can try, i'll work on it 2morrow when i get in from college
  8. im not an apple fan myself really, but i bought an iphone 4 my birthday an i decided i like the logo lol nothing more went into the idea haha sure i'll do the tut 2morrow. it's more of a risky thing 2 do tho... simple but it can go wrong. so make sure you make back ups n stuff. i have loads of little tuts i can do for xp, im not an unbuntu user but as far as windows goes i can tweak it to hell and back lol
  9. thanks thats really kind of you what did u think of the 1 i made?
  10. ive been using this program for ages now and i thought i would share it with you guys. its basicaly a program that hides the *boring* xp start button and replaces it with an overlayed vista orb! named "ViOrb". This clever little program was developed by Lee-Soft, some of you may know them as the creators of; "ViStart" (Vista start menu) "ViSplore" (Vista file manager) anyway, here's a few screens i took 2 show you. This was my origional start button (no it isnt standard, its a theme called "Royale Remixed", i have a patched uxtheme.dll so i can use unsigned themes. if any of you want to know how to do that just ask) http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Viorb%20Tut/viorbpic1.jpg then after i downloaded ViOrb, this is the standard theme that it comes with http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Viorb%20Tut/viorbpic2.jpg pretty awesome huh! it uses like no resources and it looks great! so now im sure your thinking "yeah thats kinda cool... i might try that" but just restrain yourself a moment longer. those of you who know me know i fiddle...a lot... i think i can improve EVERYTHING...i swear its a desise lol. anyway, after a little googling, i found out you can customise what the orb looks like! its entirely run of a .png file stored in the ViOrb installation folder. Here is the standard one for you to have a look at, i think you'll get where im going by now but i'll be thouragh. http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Viorb%20Tut/Original.png now, a little bit of insight, you will notice there are 3 *slightly* different orbs there and they are as follows. Top = idle (when you don't have your mouse over the start button or have it clicked) Mid = highlighted (mouse over the orb, not clicked) Low = clicked (after you click the start button you may notice that it gets a little darker than usual) now, the *photoshoply minded* amoung you will think like i did... "hey i could do a better job of that!" and indeed you can! the developers at lee-soft also created a theme organiser so that you can have as many different themes as you like! you can change it daily if you choose!!! anyway, here's my attempt. http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Viorb%20Tut/viorbpic3.jpg and for those of you who like it, here's the PNG of it. i call it "Apple Remix 2.5" (...took me a while 2 get it that clean) http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Viorb%20Tut/appleremixed25.png anyway. sorry i ramble so much, here are the download links. ViOrb - ViOrb Beta (not released yet) - ViOrb Theme Manager And a link to where to find a handful of themes HERE now just a couple of final notes for those of you who really like this little app. these r a little technical 1) the program does not put a shortcut on the desktop or start menu. so if you want to run the app you might want to make one. to do this, navigate to "C:\Program Files\ViOrb" and you'l find the .exe in there. so right click and copy that, then go 2 your desktop, right click and paste shortcut dont just paste. this creates a little shortcut that you can just run as and when you want to run the app. 2) if like me you think this app is really cool and you want it to run automaticaly as soon as you load windows, then go to the same directory as before and copy the app, then go to start/all programs/startup then right click and explore that folder. then simply right click and paste shortcut in there. job done. 3) to uninstall the app (i wont ask your reasons) simply navigate to C:\Program Files\ViOrb then double click "Kill App" thats the uninstaller... dunno why they called it that... 4) if the app stops responding and it wont work, you might want to close it whilst in windows. to do that simply press Ctrl+Alt+Del thenin task manager "end task" on ViOrb. but when you do that you will notice that the start button just vanishes... thats kinda worse... so to solve this, go over to "processes" in task manager and end task on "explorer" this will make everything on your desktop vanish. now press Ctrl+Alt+Del again then go to file/new task, and then type explorer and then press enter. your back running xp with the standard start button again. 5) if you dont really like the Viorb Theme manager, you can do it manualy. to do this navigate to C:\Program Files\ViOrb\Resources and in there you will find a png called "Flag" to swap that for one of your own making, rename that one to something else, then move yours in there and name that flag. Note: do this while ViOrb is CLOSED. run it after compleating the transaction. thats all i can b bothered to write... feels like a chuffing essay! anyway there you go, hope it helps. Matty0 x
  11. dude i jailbroke my iphone 2.2 the other day and as i was sufing thru cydia 2day i came across a halo 3 rank battery theme by "xvalidtoasterx...did u make that?!?! and if so teach me obi wan EDIT oh an btw... iphone!!! it can do everything the google phone can do plus its 1000x more fun! an the mp3 player is better... cos its an ipod... + in the UK u can only get the google phone on t-mobile, the worst network in the country! it has less coverage than "3" which has only been around like 2 years!!! it isnt worth 20p
  12. Processor : 5.9 - (core 2 quad, 2.5ghz) Memory : 5.0 - (4gb DDR2) Graphics : 5.0 - (Nvidea 8600gts) Gaming Graphics : 5.3 - ( ^^) Primary Hard Disk : 5.9 - (1tb Samsung SATA 300) Lowest Subscore, 5 its a new pc i built for crimbo =D isnt it AWESOME :D:D
  13. yeah i know. unfortunately there is no such thing as a perfect hiding spot. all it takes is 1 opponent 2 spot u by mistake and its game over. these are just what i would suggest are some of the the best spots 2 avoid being found
  14. all of these spots are quick... the longest clip was 15 secconds... and that included like 10 secconds of messing about... the music is pleasing. i happen to love nightwish and as i made the video i used music that i like. its verry rude to insult my judgement. seccondly, if you watch tutorials in the 1st person you dont see the trajectory and some people cant work out what area you are in without the 3rd person view. thanks nice to see at least one nice comment.
  15. itl b coming very soon i hide all the time so its just a matter of finding enough spots to fill a 5 min video lol. you wouldn't wanna see a 30 seccond long one so they take some effort 2 build em up glad u like em go try them out!
  16. ok, this time im going to be doing a series of video's with one common goal. all the tricks and glitches can be done in matchmaking. thats right these are glitches you can really use to piss off your opponents hehe! well here's Vol. 1 "Last Resort" its basicaly hiding spots and a few little tricks to get you the advantage. all the spots have tutorials and a demonstration by either me or count peter so you know they work. we did this in custom slayer with standard settings so there all possible online and in customs as of 2day (christmas eve ) so if they get patched in future don't blame me. anyway. there are 8 jumps to learn in this video and i find some of them invaluable, i use them each game. anyway im rambling. please give me feedback on what you like and if you have any ideas to put into Vol. 2. (we havnt started that yet so its a blank canvas currently) sit back and enjoy. Cannot Be Displayed its in widescreen so if you want to watch it in full res on youtube then follow this link and please leave me a comment a thanks is all i ask for the work. I hope you enjoy it, more will be done after christmas. Matty0 {BlackXhorneT} Merry Christmas Everyone =D
  17. no problem, whats your hardware? cos depending on what you're reccording i might b able 2 offer a few suggestions on how 2 sort it. ie, if your just reccording speach you could use a eyetoy as a webcam as it has an onboard mic that can reccord up to 22khz (96kbs)... i know that isnt great but hey it might b better than your current setup
  18. matty0

    VIP Updates

    i just realised that im VIP lol id like it 2 stay that way please =)
  19. if its 652mb then its not tinyxp lol http://depositfiles.com/en/files/255566/Ti...-best.net..html 180mb this is revision 5 btw, it starts at this size and installs to just bellow 400mb. it only requires 40mb 2 run as well =) (remember, only fresh install, dont do a upgrade)
  20. i can help you out loads with this mate, im a budding producer an i know a thing or 2 about mixing and reccording. the 2 programs i would reccomend for you (besides audacity) would be "Adobe Audition 3.0" which is my personal favourate. its very logical and its industry standard quality so if you're getting any fuzz or whatever it must be your pc. seccond choice would be the legend that is Cubase SX3. its complicated and takes a lot of getting used 2 but its the windows equivelent of the proffesional use program (unless you have £15,000 to buy Pro-Tools HD). i can give you downloads or cracks for either of these if u need em. but if your just changing your software because of this hissing, then try getting a new asio driver (Asio4all 2.9 is the best an its free) and updating your hardware drivers. what sound card do you use?
  21. here's my collection, i dunno if they all work but i added the ones in this thread. hope it helps a bit theres 6 in there. my_KV_collection.rar
  22. well you'l have 2 tell me what it is and find out
  23. http://www.enterupload.com/fd67iu1vx10s/Da...vanced.rar.html
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