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Everything posted by matty0

  1. i've never run in sli so i had no idea. seems like a pretty big flaw... they really ought to add it
  2. you're right! only 1 gpu will work at a time. that stinks. apple should really add that as a feature...
  3. do ports not work in an sli system? i had no idea!
  4. im just glad it isnt mandatory. kinect is horribly geeky, have you ever seen anybody use it and just looked at them? its like watching a mentaly ill person trying to wash a car... funny... but you feel bad inside. controlers FTW
  5. have you tried much in the way of WINE / CXZ / CXEx porting to mac? the latest CXEx runs hellish fast with great compatibility. and me and a bunch of the guys over at portingteam.com have been working on getting .net 4 working atm we already have almost all games writen in almost any languages, and thanks to a clever wine wrapper (by me ) we're making huge strides in .net 4 and XNA. so we should have the compatibility much higher in the coming weeks try it! its getting uber easy now, all the hard work is done for you
  6. hahaha! quinn you are more than likely the only other person than me on here that would say that. i wish alex would read this, he'd throw a shit fit hahaha. he bums windows
  7. sweet! gona build it down there then!
  8. a GT210 is pretty much the modern equivelent of the old 9400GT (and then it's predecessor essentially the 8500GT). its a very stable card (mac/win/linux) so i get it personaly i went 1 model above (GT220 1GB) purely because it only cost me £14 including postage haha. some people forget that not everybody can afford the latest in hardware. just enjoy it mate
  9. yyyaaayy gonna build me a house haha
  10. will you please op me again quinn? i'm really bored of not being able to give myself blocks :/. i started playing terraria now... gotta admit its more fun than minecraft
  11. i'd guess that yes that was the point of the fire... but yeah i'm still not that into reach :/
  12. i had an iphone so i've enabled the fire i look most dashing haha
  13. omg awesome
  14. matty0

    20,000 Members

    congrats peaches
  15. matty0

    Halo 4

    i nearly cried with joy
  16. quinn... just close this thread, its purely flaming now
  17. matty0


    thank goodness. i was worried for a minute
  18. matty0


    based on that folder icon... are you running... windows.... vista? i thought those dark days had passed...
  19. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_3fxvL5xnJHA/S84a2UR7kLI/AAAAAAAACVI/n2s9IE_Du1c/s400/funny-pictures-oh-hai-bug.jpg
  20. ...why make an addon for the xbox 1? its dead tech now... and has been for some time...
  21. matty0


    ...fine for me yesterday
  22. worked for me in uk gona buy like 2 years haha EDIT: yes it still works, just letting you know that it says $1USD but just so you uk owners know its £1. not quite so epic, but when you think a year is £39 normaly but here its £12! gona stock up!
  23. enjoyed the video and being a sound tech myself i could see the work that has gone into it but... where's the pokemon element?
  24. comes up as corrupt in final cut pro 7 and premiere pro 5.5
  25. http://posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/swirlpeople/ZnkifMX3ilgjLtJ0RsSnt2Nu5HUhNvxlkU5J47FxsvMAZVMABqjRHKn8bDIV/welcome_mat.jpg
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