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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. Who actually cares if you lost 10 posts? What difference does it make to anybody?
  2. Simple. Get a laptop
  3. Really interesting to read... Can you actually change your mobile number? If so, does it mean if people ring it, it will work? Or does it just change the number that appears on another phone when you ring it? Or does nothing happen?
  4. I understand. And you're probably right. Sort of like the <img> tag in HTML. You need to state the <img src="your image source> and the </img> part.
  5. That's easy to get around. cmd.exe can be disabled on XP. command.com however, can't. so just make your batch file read command.com and you have a command prompt. I don't want to do this, because it requires the use of a batch file, and they keey logs of everyone who uses a batch file. Last time, they shouted at me Anyway, I found something called "NexusFile" on the internet and that works, so nobody needs to find anything now
  6. I know, I found the 2 desktop games easy. It's the rest I can't find.
  7. I'm not sure... I made one in VB.NET, but it didn't work, so unless .NET can be disabled...
  8. Does anyone remember www.gemtree.com? A few years ago, you could download some of the sample games they had. Some of the sample games were really good (especially the desktop destroying ones), and they had a few multiplayer ones. But now you can't download them and the games aren't on their website anymore. Does anyone know where I could find the games again? Mainly Ants, Becher Bar and Butches.
  9. Teachers get suspicious easy. And they overreact to very simple things. Once, they thought my website gave them a virus, because I edited a background to say my website name at the bottom. And I got banned for a few days for opening up CMD.EXE. It was disabled! And they still banned me! They really don't understand computers at all and will overreact and probably suspend me for running linux It is. I made one a few years ago
  10. Why does it still say "Map Name"? It's not map specific, is it?
  11. Can't right-click, can't use CMD.exe (but we can use command.com, but they don't know that )... We have something called "TLC SchoolConnect 5" if it helps.
  12. On the computers at our school, we cannot browse the C: drive, which is upsetting, because I really need to find a few images on the harddisk and switch them with a few that I have made which are funny. I know roughly where they are, but not exactly. I need some form of harddisk browser. I remember a few years ago, I created a file explorer in VB6, but I've lost it now, along with my copy of VB6. So could anyone help me out and create some form of file explorer that lets me browse 'C:' in a language that doesn't require .NET? (The school's computers don't have .NET Framework ) They do have Java though, so if anyone's good at Java... Also, if it could somehow view or open images, specifically bitmaps, that would be even better Thanks.
  13. Cool! And now we wait for a spy from microsoft to come along and ban them
  14. Yeah, sure. Anyone can do anythiong with it, except clame it as their own or sell it
  15. I think you are all forgetting the big issue here: Xbox360 was made by MICROSOFT! That alone makes it an epic fail. That's right. An EPIC fail. Not just any old fail. Ok... it's not that bad. Xbox360's are good for online play. But that's about it. PS3's are gaming machines. That's why they have Blu-ray which hold around 20GB, instead of HDDVDs which are around 8GB. They have more RAM, a faster processor, a power cable that doesn't look like a brick, and better graphics. If you want a gaming machine, PS3 is best. If you want a big, overheating, ugly, made-by-microsoft piece of cheap plastic that you can use to speak to your friends with, buy a TELEPHONE!
  16. I've been playing guitar for around 5 or 6 years. You could probably get reason from warez-bb.org
  17. Lol trumpets I used Cubase to record the guitar parts, and I used Reason to create the rest of it and mix it all together.
  18. Lol. If you use a memory editor, you can make it say you done it in -1 clicks
  19. Thanks for all the comments Any suggestions to make it better?
  20. The intro reminded me of a james bond movie
  21. I had to create a song for my music class at school. Using Cubase and Reason, I created one which you can download here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ejym91 ( it's not attached because you can only upload 4MB here, and it takes up 5.3MB ) I think it's pretty good. I recorded all the guitar parts myself and I would like everyone to rate it and suggest any improvements I can make to it. So please download and listen! PS it is called "Clic-Clac Choco" which is french for a chocolate coloured bunk-bed I'm not very good at coming up with names, either. If anyone can think of a better name, please suggest it
  22. Well I found out how to do it in 0 clicks... Pretty simple really just 2 buttons required But it said "Firewall Problem" when I tried submitting the E-mail. That's probably because of my firewall I like my firewall
  23. Bungie should ask microsoft nicely if they can release a KV just for halo 3 forge variant modding only. That way, we could all mod forge maps and no harm would be done to anyone
  24. It does look a lot clearer like this; less dark Also, i remember there was a glitch you could to to see what you have in the 5th screenshot clearly. I believe you didn't use the glitch to do that, but I thought the glitch was cool to Well done again!
  25. Well said. If theese are legit, which I suspect they are, cool, and more power to you But the screenshots just don't look that convincing. But the videos do! Well done
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