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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. I also seem to get: An Error Occured! [#10136] You do not have permission to report the item you are attempting to report. But then again, I am yet to see a topic, or post, that I wish to report And finaly, I'm not on 666 posts anymore
  2. ...until we can figure out where the watermarks are and remove them And this is my 666th post... does that make me blasphamic until I make another post?
  3. http://www.gearfuse.com/wp-content/uploads/andrew/6_may07/spam_1.jpg And Mr Slipstream is correct. They watermark all the updates, so if you were to leak it and microsoft were to come across a copy of it (which they probably pay people to try and do), they would be able to tell it was you. Leaking is not advised.
  4. So what was the point releasing it for a second time? If it has already been released in Gameover's program? And I'm not sure what the second half of your sentence is supposed to say. Can you type with proper grammer please?
  5. We found that having one guy in the centre building taking out wraiths with teh laser, while the other 3 either are all in choppers or 1 in chopper and 2 in warthog works quite well. 31 lives after set 4, and around 1.2 million points But whenthe drones appear, a chopper had to go up and help the guy in the middle. It was over in around 2 hours
  6. The **** is a Pargy? And since Wario was like Mario, does that mean Wadio is like Modio? Since they sound the same? In all seriousness, I doubt it'd ever get used. I would just listen to my own music collection.
  7. It's possible, but there are many many securitys that we don't know how to get around. Maybe one day... But not right now. It'll be similar to modding Halo 3 campaign, where you needed a dev-kit to do that sorta stuff (I could be wrong, never took much interest in dev-kit modding)
  8. Who the hell are you? And where did you go?
  9. Are you talking about ejecting the disk drive, or taking it apart?! You can eject it with a paperclip, but definately not take it apart with one. I'm looking at mine right now (my xbox stays in bits to prevent overheating) and there are at least 4 screws on it
  10. I did this with a few mates yesterday. took about 2 hours When you get onto the main road (where you first get the option of getting in the hog), the first mini tunnel you come across, go down that. I had no idea before this, but there are 4 rocket launchers each with 1000 rockets in them, and 2 mongooses I used about 60
  11. Wait... do you mean 'open it' as in 'take it apart'? Or do you mean activate the coffee cup holder? 'cause there's a button on the mobo to activate the coffee mug holder which you can reach by taking off the faceplate and jamming a nail or a paperclip into the furthest left gap (when the xbox is sitting on it's side). But if you go to the dashboard, you can press x to eject the disk (while you have the disk highlighted, obviously).
  12. XP for a desktop computer. But some things are better done with linux. Web servers, for example Macs are bad. stay away from them
  13. they're a bunch of random halo 3 usermap mods...
  14. miinaturvat

    ping test

    http://www.pingtest.net/result/723064.png Less jitter FTW!
  15. http://www.speedtest.net/result/588414569.png crap, I know
  16. Hey, Gameover!!! http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg258/BrandonE1993/doubleposters2zs3dn5qo.gif <-- that's you. And peaches does not delete the topics incase someone else wishes to read them. think about it. If only active topics existed, there'd be like 5 topics
  17. Can't you flip images upside down in paint? and Gameover, I think your motto in your sig is spelled wrong. Is it meant to read "Don't about all the things you fear, just be glad to be here."?
  18. then someone should get busy moving them
  19. Oh. I heard about that one. Is that the one where they'd use the exploit in Microsoft Internet Checkers (Found on most XP machines) to resign the maps? http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/458/97726784.png
  20. Ah, but surely, more people will want to buy ads here if guests can view the topics? That way, the advertising company can be sure that more people will see their ads, and therefore, either more companys will pay for ads, or the same companies will pay more But I agree with the guests not seeing VIP topics, or tutorials, or be able to reply.
  21. Yes, you can do research and cure all these diseases. That's good for those few people that would have dies of cancer. Or is it? Did you save them? Or forced them to die of starvation due to lack of food because so many people are alive? People are meant to die. Just remember that. Did you know that around half of the people ever alive EVER are alive today? Basically, if you're rich, it's good, and if you're poor, it's bad. That's how most things in the worls work (Tax, health service, food, etc)
  22. As FPS Doug would say: "What happens if I get lag out there? I'm dead!"
  23. Wait... Did they just fill cells with colors and zoom out, then use a macro to change the colors? That would take years!
  24. Ah, but you see, he's not a normal member: He's Members+! I asked the same question in teh shoutbox once, and you didn't explain then, so I am also curious
  25. Aah! All these fast internets! Not fair! Why am I stuck at 30KB/Sec half the time?
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