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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. Only I have teh 'Windows XP Dave Edition', with teh 'Go' button and teh green text in teh command promptzorz!untitled.bmp
  2. I'm pretty sure bungie review each recon unlock individually. And since you managed to do that before it was possible, they probably will either never unlock it, or ban you
  3. Oh, so it does. On an older version, I definately remember it saying "updated", and assumed this was the same, without actually reading it I guess this version could be correct...
  4. I wonder why Tea guy was ever banned in the first place, and then I wonder "Wasn't he a VIP at some point?".
  5. It says "Please wait while the list is being updated". It should read: "Please wait while the list is updated" or "Please wait; the list is being updated". The way the sentence is structured is incorrect I also can't spell Grammar...
  6. Reminds me of my Gears of War remix, that was composed entirely of sounds from gears of war http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO9Fi3m6Vrc
  7. Anyone else tried to add/remove programs in windows XP, only to be insulted by bad microsoft grammer? Just look at the attached image! grammer.bmp
  8. You must have been very bored I wouldn't call it so much of a glitch as bad lighting...
  9. I'm pretty sure there are laws against that sort of stuff... If he is responsible for the 'CP', maybe you should think about informing some local authority?
  10. Also. Aere you conducting an experiment to see how many people yould winn the lottery? ---- Numbers sent
  11. That doesn't really give much information on what else it does... I know it changes the header of the file too, but that's not really necissary. Does it do anything that can't be done in 10 seconds with a Hex Editor?
  12. It's brilliant! How did you make it? It's brilliant! How did you make it?
  13. Complete gibberish - pseudo-spannish. Why are there 2 of the same video there?
  14. So... What does it do other than change the "CON " at the start of the file to "LIVE"?
  15. miinaturvat

    gamertag email

    Oh. I thought you didn't know the e-mail address that was actually joined with the gamertag And you've had it for 4 years, eh? Well the 360 hasn't been out for 4 years, so you must have had xbox live with the origional xbox.
  16. Can someone tell this guy to click this link? Thanks
  17. http://www.onlineelectricmotors.com/images/2000/2116.jpg And, lostmodz26, 2112 was an album by rush. you should have had an image of that
  18. miinaturvat


    Thanks for teh warez, kidhitman
  19. I pooped a hammer.
  20. miinaturvat And Gameover, it's not a list of people that mod; it's a list of people on this site. Being on this site gives microsoft no evidence that we do or do not mod anything.
  21. It may be your tutorial, but you did not discover the exploit, and I'm pretty certain you didn't make the files yourself either. Give credit where it is due! but still. Nice tutorial
  22. Oh. I didn't know you could convert MIDI to score with sibelius... We have sibelius at school. And the link there doesn't seem to work. Not that it matters. I'm sure I could find the MIDI files from somewhere and convert them if I ever need any more Thanks again
  23. blacklabelfosho, you're a freakin hero! Many many thanks for these. I thought I was gonna have to convert the tab myself you are awesome. Many +REP for you Can I ask where you got these?
  24. I'm gonna make a paypal account just for this, then donate the 50 cents to iBotMods EDIT: Ok, Check your PMs.
  25. And yours And you are correct; there is a button to clear the cache. But please explain how that will help you bypass the update request when you play it online? I don't think you understand what he posted.
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