Holy ****.. Someone with some common sense. These *** ass paint sigs that you guys are posting are literally just spamming the gfx showoff section and making people like me not want to post serious stuff.
Grade 11 What U Doin On Weekdays- Get up at 6:45, take a shower and brush my teeth, watch pr0nz, then go to school at 7:05. Go to History class, then to Spanish class, then the bathroom for a pr0nz break, then math class, then business, then english, then lunch, then back to english, then another pr0nz break, then to graphics, then to theory of knowledge, then to chemistry, then home. Then I watch some more pr0nz all night.
Nothing that really makes it appealing. Brush spam ftl. EDIT: This is my way of saying that there's nothing about it that really makes it stand out, otherwise known as lacking appeal. Brush spam is referring to just using brushes that other people made and throwing them on a canvas with a solid background. If you you are going to PM me about my harsh criticism go to GFX sites like Planet Renders and then come back to me.
This is actually really awesome bro. I need somebody to teach me how to model B) . I'm not sure if you know how to photoshop, but if you learned how to you could be really good . 3d modeling is so in right now.
What the **** are you talking about? He didn't use illustrator, just brushes... lol you have no idea It's actually not that bad, it just doesn't really exhibit any skill. There's too much brush spam on the right thingy .