harry potter > porn THIS IS THE OFFICIAL HARRY POTTER SPAM THREAD!!!! http://images.friendster.com/images/widgetDirectory/widgetThumbs/_36705_harry_potter_calendar_photo.jpg http://wallpapers.free-review.net/wallpapers/36/Harry_Potter.jpg http://www.wallpaperez.net/wallpaper/movie/Harry-Potter-the-Order-Phoenix-832.jpg http://librarykvpattom.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/12-harry-potter.jpg
Lol I've seen some of your tags and you were novice at your peak tbh. Like seriously the best I've seen from you is high novice. I love how you used to give me s*** on my tags when you suck yourself. But seriously, you aren't good and never were so get that through your head.
its 1 am and im supposed to have school 2morrow but my face feels like its gonna fall off and i have a 103 fever and havent gone to school for the past 2 weeks and i cant sleep and im freezing cold and i hate life
Colors and effects could use some work and I'm not really sure what you were aiming for your focal to be. Kill the borders B) . The render job on the girl isn't so great either. It's kind of boring, but not that bad. Keep working on the technical aspects and execution of your concepts.