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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. price range: 0-150 Right now I'm looking at the nike dunk lows and trying to customize them
  2. Sorry to break it to you Spanish, but you fail.
  3. lolwatitwasjustarandomtopictitle. notsurehowitsaripoffofxxanarchyxx
  4. does orange juice work? its made from orangutans
  5. Everybody who has posted in this thread fails... Including me >.<
  6. Happy Buddah


    omg i thought u died. where have u been. hehe and i wish it could be semi
  7. oh I thought you were being a nub . I put up a new version
  8. you told me you needed a new tag but then u just put it in with the list of your gifts
  9. i didnt mean in reference to this. i meant that a lot of people use the triangle concept or omega code............................................................................ ..................................... when you try to rephrase what i say at least understand what im saying >.<
  10. http://i43.tinypic.com/5pn5dt.png gift for dan
  11. Happy Buddah


    punctuation is also good
  12. http://i41.tinypic.com/okv8yt.png
  13. graph some titties
  14. Happy Buddah


  15. Happy Buddah


  16. http://i39.tinypic.com/6o1l6h.png
  17. colors are actually pretty good, but the atmosphere/effects could be a little better. Keep working at it .
  18. how is proper sig size 700x200 nobody makes sigs like that
  19. omega code and this triangle **** is so overused
  20. tuts http://planetrenders.net/forums/index.php?showforum=81
  21. Gotta be real moves..... >.<
  22. lol I shoulda used bone rush instead of body slam nice move lineups
  23. Describe sex in 3 pokemon moves mine: Sleep Powder Body Slam Confusion
  24. how?
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