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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. Text makes the pic worse and that's all you even did
  2. pansy
  3. LQ, lighting is bad, no focal
  4. Yea it's definitely not swine flu. AIDS sounds a little more reasonable.
  5. In my opinion if there is going to be a GFX team again there needs to be a standard of moderate+ on NSL considering (No offense to other staff) the other staff doesn't really know anything about GFX. But I think if we had a good GFX team, we could get the GFX section going again and maybe even make it a reason for new members to join.
  6. Haha Ibotmodz GFX team
  7. I don't think you flamed me . I love you Melo
  8. I don't feel the need to prove anything and don't really care what you think
  9. I've been here since like October of 2006 on the old site . Yea and I just visit Ibotmodz for the occasional lulz.
  10. I'm sorry but these ALL suck
  11. True that. It's actually not bad.
  12. Nice screenshots logan522
  13. That^ Looks familiar too, I think I've seen the same render/background combination. Nothing that's appealing or interesting about it really.
  14. The only reason I don't do requests is because they're all terrible ideas and even attempting them is setting yourself up for failure
  15. only if you have the pocket monsters required for this process
  16. Happy Buddah


    Wait what who's high inter and who's novice? what? where? *** gtfo
  17. http://www.silliness.org/archive/drugsvsgeeks.html
  18. Does it even look like he used a tut? There's like 4 pentool lines >.<
  19. Happy Buddah


    If you took the pic it would be good, but considering you didn't... It's boring and text and border kills it. So basically you made it worse >.>
  20. newfags dont have 20 internets either
  21. http://www.popular-pics.com/images/spacer.gif
  23. fail centered focal, lighting , smudge isn't so hot. If you're gonna make b&w up the contrast
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