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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. Not much man, was busy with school up until June and just started GFX again on like July 20th. Haven't talked to yo ass in foever yo. I just wanted to stop by ibotmodz to see whats up with all my niggas
  2. you changed your name back decaturd!
  3. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! CHOOSE WHICH ONE YOU WANT TO WEAR NOW!!!!!! http://i25.tinypic.com/96gt5c.png - decaturd already got this shit yo http://i32.tinypic.com/2mo6yaq.png http://i27.tinypic.com/ind7bt.png http://i28.tinypic.com/2na4jys.png - d hizzle already got this shit yo http://i27.tinypic.com/hsmbeu.png http://i43.tinypic.com/2mfbzx0.png http://i39.tinypic.com/2ez045k.png
  4. novice 5 is your best though
  5. Sck with no I's.
  6. No waision!
  7. Yea the online translators don't know how to translate exactly
  8. ur the biggest queer ever
  9. AYAYAY! Un dia yo, mi mama, y mi padre fuimos a una tienda de bicecletas y tocamos un gato que estaban en esta tienda. Este gato dijo que fue un buen actor pero no creo que es posible por un gato ser un actor. Dije que el gato era loco y el gato me golpearon . Cuando mis amigos miran el telivision, siempre dicen que soy un cocodrilo. No es necesario para mis amigos jugaban beisbol conmigo, pero me gustaria si jugaba. En otra dia, mi perro comi a mi hermana y dije que era un pero muy bien. Este dia el presidente fue a mi casa y dijo que era un elefante en el calle. Me puso muy furioso y dije que este era posible. Pero cuando fui a la calle, supo que era cierto. Cuando pregunte este elefante para ser mi amigo, dijo que era un flamenco y no tenia amigos. En el otro lado, mi amigo, Juan, rompio una ventana y morto un pajarro con una zapata pequena.
  10. yea my insecurities go away when i make fun of other people
  11. I understand having real life friends may be new to you, but frankly nobody cares, even if this is the first birthday party you were invited to.
  12. I "surport" grammar and spelling.
  13. badass
  14. Who says the girl is the focal? >.> And as random as they may look, they're far from it.
  15. So many damn queers on this site. No wonder it's dead.
  16. You guys are so gullable. This isnt the first time a guy on ibm pretended 2 be a girl. Also, Rogue Modder probs can't photoshop and this pic is shopped.
  17. http://i42.tinypic.com/16m1306.png GIFT FOR D HERO!!!!1!!!eleven11!!!!
  18. I like it when he reloads
  19. Cool you can follow a tut
  20. Happy Buddah


    you are so dumb
  21. Happy Buddah


    Random fractal spam >.<. Not appealing
  22. Happy Buddah

    2 Thing

    Do you really expect critique?
  23. Lol I've seen you on a few GFX sites and you got cool stuff mang
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