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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. yea for sure, i'm nowhere close to the level a lot of guys are at.
  2. lol if you have a no tutorial attitude it'll take a hell of a lot longer to get better. obviously if you've been into graphics for 6 months or more then tutorials are pointless, but for beginners they are very very helpful. most of you could really benefit a lot from tutorials. i did tutorials when i first started and they helped a shit load.
  3. good for a first. maybe try some tutorials
  4. nice snag bra
  5. http://i32.tinypic.com/ih2vk6.png gift for whoever wants it
  6. rockshockey04@live.com <3
  7. <3
  8. http://i32.tinypic.com/5lc7dz.png http://i27.tinypic.com/14ajsdj.png oh yea, i forgot to say... gift to whoever wants it.
  9. i'm not trying to "challenge you" for entering "my territory" as you say, all i was orignally doing was calling you out on your comment made in this topic, i honestly didn't know who you were before that. it's nothing like a territory battle or anything, and honestly ibotmodz wouldn't be a front i would use for something stupid like that. ibotmodz is not a gfx site and never will be, i just post my stuff here because this is where i first started i guess. yea, this is extremely off topic, let's take this to the off-topic section or msn? haha
  10. making something from scratch does not automatically mean that it is "better" than something not made entirely from scratch. if just as much work was put into making a piece that's not from scratch as making a piece from scratch, why does the piece from scratch deserve to be better? if i take a shit on a canvas, does that put it above everybody who didn't make something from scratch? there are programs that allow you to make amazing landscapes very very easily, but i do not believe the fact that you used a program to create this landscape "from scratch" makes it amazing. if you want to get technical, you did not create the program that creates your models for you based on your parameters. using this idea, i could say that you did not technically create it from scratch, but if a painter was to paint the exact same image, then they would have. maybe that's not the best example, but what i'm trying to say is that if the end result is the same, why does it matter how you got there? sure it's impressive, but it doesn't make the art anymore visually appealing or artistic in that sense.
  11. i never said i made it from scratch... i'm saying art doesn't have to be from scratch to be art. i wouldn't necessarily call adding 50+ layers to something, "adding sprinkles." give it a shot and i'm sure you'll understand that the work and ideas involved behind making good photo manipulations takes a shit load more skill than you would imagine. i'm going to guess that you are not very experienced in photoshop, because honestly if you were you would understand.
  12. double post, sorry.
  13. well sir you are retarded if you think the art of photo manipulation or using c4ds is "using other people's work and adding sparkles to it." it takes a hell of a lot more than that. example: http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/5137/royaltehbest78.jpg into http://i31.tinypic.com/24zdcnm.png you actually are a decent modeller from what i can tell, but your whole idea that it's not art unless you make it from scratch is bogus. you have no idea how much work good photomanips or good tags in general can take. we don't just take a stock and crop it.
  14. you brought it into my playing field by basically saying it doesn't take skill to use stocks in art. and you say i'm "a generic kid that makes sigs from other people's work..." that is an extremely ignorant comment. i'm just saying, if you want to "challenge" me or whatever, you better be ready to back it up instead of complaining about how unfair an arguement you started is. and actually, if i can read correctly, you were talking about my standard of art the moment you said i'm a generic kid that makes sigs from other people's work. the majority of your models are based off other people's work :/.
  15. @Preppy: i wasn't even talking to you in the first place and i really don't know what you're saying anymore? @deehunter: i love how you're saying i haven't seen real graphics or whatever? do you really think i use ibotmodz as my standards for what's good and what's not? tagmonkey.org post your shit there and see what happens dumbass.^ nationalsigleague.com get classed there if you're so hot.^ crownzero.com post your stuff there and see what happens.^ that deviantart piece you posted really is nothing special, sorry to break it to you.
  16. well if you get ranked at the right sites, rankings come from people who have been doing graphics for years and often have a job based on graphics. they rank you based on composition, colors, effects, overall appeal, total skill involved in making it, and other qualities that are generally desired in art. so i do believe that these people know what they're talking about, but if you don't want to then i'm not going to try to make you.
  17. haha i'd like to see you make anything comparable to some of the shit i've made. just got ranked high inter on nsl and was one vote away from semi, meaning that i was ranked higher than about 90% of the kids that make their shit from "scratch." i'm curious to see what your graphics rank is faggot. and honestly making a 3d model of a ray gun that already exists isn't making something from scratch. then i guess you could call most of my vectors scratch. and tbh a lot of my work involves a shit load of effects 100% by me. you suck at graphics. get over it. you haven't made anything impressive. ever. seriously. go get ranked above semi and then talk to me.
  18. you are a dumbass.
  19. http://i30.tinypic.com/f50qkx.png http://i28.tinypic.com/2vwfe6b.png
  20. you look awesome
  21. http://i31.tinypic.com/24zdcnm.png
  22. lol nah, i meant i was busy with school before summer. <3 all you fags
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