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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. http://mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/ya_rly.jpg
  2. cool beans bra
  3. ***** that render sucks butt
  4. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Happy%20Buddah/avatar-body.png
  5. oh and btw i didn't realize that being one vote away from semi on nsl meant i am not good.
  6. haha are you kidding me? i post here because this is where i learned gfx and i know a lot of people here. and you'd be retarded to think that this is the only site i post my stuff on because it's not. posting here isn't making me worse at GFX you dumbass.
  7. haha wow that's freaking hillarious
  8. "pretty simple mostly messed with colors" idk what the original is but he didn't make it.
  9. he didn't make it >.<. all he did was modify the colors slightly.
  10. seems like pargy is the only logical one here, not gonna lie.
  11. can i see the original?
  12. dawg you know i want this shit yo
  13. i gave you 1000 so that should be enough to buy whatever tutorials you want. i think they're still around 20-30 each?
  14. whoa. what'd i miss?
  15. make an account on planetrenders.net and tell me what it is. i'll send you a bunch of points so you can buy whatever tutorials you want. anybody else that wants to do this, just tell me
  16. the second sig looks like it's from a really shitty tutorial that the grefix n00bs use all the time. work on everything, do more tutzzzz!
  17. It's actually pretty cool. Work on lighting, text, and cleaner effects
  18. haha if you think this is tough critique you've never been to a real graphics site. and tutorials are for noobs, but you are a noob. saying you're freestyle is the most retarded thing i've ever heard. good luck getting past novice without tutorials. a lot of times people need to hear that their work sucks. before you post a new tag or whatever, drop your ego.
  19. you fell right into my trap. http://forum.cheatengine.org/files/42-youve-activated-my-trap-card_195_585.jpg
  20. http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg7/EmperorZarrin/mspaint/care.png
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