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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. Ok, thanks again for the feedback .
  2. Alright, thanks for the feedback .
  3. Those were the good days. I wish I wouldn't of left the site for so long. I guess I just got out of modding and just stopped coming to this site. H2 modding was awesome .
  4. I was just messing around a bit, trying some new techniques and here is what I got: http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/5232/deathnoteoj1.png C&C is appreciated.
  5. This should help a lot of people. It's pretty much noob proof and is very helpful with the basics. Good find .
  6. It's really dull in my opinion. The render is way oversized as it takes up the whole sig. Needs some more effects and the background is boring. It's not awful, but it needs a lot of work.
  7. Happy Buddah


    I think it looks great. KIU .
  8. Yea are you sure you're on the normal cs2? If you're positive that it's not there than just re install cs2.
  9. Happy Buddah

    The Fall

    I think it's pretty good. Only thing I could say is the text might need work but I think the colors are fine.
  10. It's not there as in it's faded out, or you just don't even have the option in the drop down bar under image?
  11. The background is different on all of them. As in the gradient maps. It's not a huge difference, but if you look closesly at the buildings you can see that they are more visible in some of the versions. They have different tints in the background. Thanks for all the feedback everybody.
  12. Here's me: http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/55/mebr5.jpg This is me dancing: http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/3514/medancingju1.jpg
  13. Nice tut . This should help out a lot of people. Pretty much noob-proof .
  14. Happy Buddah


    Lol, that's awesome. I've seen some of your stuff on tech-gfx and you rock .
  15. Yea, that's what I had originally, but I didn't really like the way it looked, I'll post a version with it. Thanks for the feedback . EDIT: BTW that was post 200 . Got VIP back ftw .
  16. Lol, thanks, I like this one a lot too .
  17. Happy Buddah

    New Sig

    C&C please http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/8176/idk1mf4.png v2 http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/8039/idk2zc4.png v3 http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/6066/idk3kh5.png v4 http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/8531/idk5jd4.png v5 http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/2839/idk4jj7.png v6 http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/3990/idk6ev4.png Lol, lotsa versions
  18. Lol, they are basically the same. I've used both and they have the exact same features. I use cs2 now. To apply image just make a new layer then go to the top bar and do Image->Apply Image. There isn't a single tut that I've done that I haven't been able to follow due to having cs2. But as for the sig, read what I said on imedia . Don't feel like retyping it.
  19. Yea, that's pretty good, especially for only starting with black and white. Basically everyone before me summed it up .
  20. Thanks for the input. I'm adding a new version. I fixed the text (I think) and some of the details are more visible (Guess it got lost in the 60 layers).
  21. If your warranty still exists, you're better off sending it in to get fixed for free. No sense in risking your Xbox instead of waiting a couple weeks.
  22. I completely forgot about this contest and I was out of town this weekend. All I would be entering is a sig, so just take me out of the battle (entries were due yesterday right?).
  23. Lol, sorry I'm just in a really pissed off mood today. Don't take it personally, I really didn't mean to snap.
  24. I asked what I could do to improve the text, I wasn't denying that it needed more work. Sorry if it came off as rude or mean.
  25. Got that right. Lol chederz = pwnsauce.
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