I don't really want to. I mean, the stuff people can do is awesome, but I'm fine with the original 360, wii, and xbox. They're all natural . I don't like my girls all natural (just plain gross) and same goes my my consoles I guess i like to have more options lol.
i still mod alot! i joined to site for the mods, most ppl stopped modding, and never modded their x360, i on the other hand have modded 5 xbox 360s, 4 original xboxs, and 3 ipods. I have also modded games, as those are guitar hero II & III, halo 2, and grand theft auto (3, vice and san). Also if i ever did get a wii, which i plan on, i would mod that also.
well what if we had a league for halo, 1v1 (2v2 maybe). Kinda like a tourny. Players challenge each other, and the more wins a player gets the more points he/she gets. (1 win = 1 point) This could take a month for one season of a league to take place. Any thoughts on this?
i've seen something this before and have attempted to do it... did not turn out. good job, also to the top of her head seems kinda boring than the rest of her back side
yeah................. um........ barely... um..... wrong? lol, but in the end it does not really matter it does when you goto school with him |_()|_ 17 |$ ()|< your That New Nerd aren't u.
yeah it looks like noodle got those bands from guitar hero. all shall perish all that remains behemoth the black dahlia murder heaven shall burn slayer metallica trivium thine eyes bleed lamb of god job for a cowboy despised icon
never knew you were related, wii's are really fun. Graphics don't make the system at all, the games do (to me) yeah now u do lol, and yeah graphics don't make a system at all. sure i love Devil May Cry 4 on high def (so amazing!), but i can easily play it on a standard definition tv. i still play original xbox games, and notice that the graphics suck, but i do not care whatsoever. yeah sure wii has some lame games, but u just gotta chose your games right. and ps. i would LOVE to play that zelda game lol.