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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. is there a certain timing cause i didnt really work for me
  2. ok are you ever gonna make a longer one ?
  3. dang just sign up come on
  4. this shows we need like 2 more moderators
  5. caratti wanna do that for me ?
  6. but how can you get the teleporters out ?
  7. how did you know you could drive it ?
  8. but you cant get teleporters out of all maps and sometime once you get one out you just die
  9. is there a way to get out of all maps that doesnt involve using the turret
  10. i dont really like halomodder either
  11. anarchy doesnt really go here anymore
  12. good but backups are so important also
  13. Snowmon333♥

    "Tank sex"

    but spartan omega was talking about how you can make indestructible vehicles which are in halo 3
  14. that doesnt count as your best trick good peach
  15. Snowmon333♥

    "Tank sex"

    but this is for halo 2
  16. 0/10 jk i like them
  17. then its not your best trick whats your best trick you can actually do and i bet you didnt land it
  18. hahaha believable if you were in the x-games and not fat
  19. how good ? best trick ?
  20. yay sets pros and crap farther apart
  21. you very good at snowboarding ? how often does thus backup ?
  22. bumperz
  23. ya i have seen ppl with highest skill 45 with like 70 exp
  24. idk wtf why would scenery be drivable
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