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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. how do you make races ? oooh i just though maybe you make a territory that takes like 1 second to get but that isnt really what i want i really want like rocket race
  2. i was playing halo 1 earlier campaign was fun halo 2 campaign wasnt much fun but online took much more skill
  3. lets do more than dance ! if you know what i mean
  4. going pro would be fun
  5. you make me laugh
  6. I really like it a lot nice job ! are they gonna make marathon for 360 ?
  7. i kinda want to jack hammer your mom then give her Arabian goggles
  8. pretty much and then they do he also makes fun of them tho which is really funny
  9. ya trip mine is too weak
  10. blacklabel i havent seen you on for so long
  11. I will im colonel
  12. wtf ? is that like supposed to be offensive you are such a fruity noob omg
  13. ok what froob
  14. i agree with chatbox on every page because then you can check the cbox while reading posts it just makes things easier
  15. huh ?
  16. you like mine ?
  17. nice job steven i like it
  18. ok i'll stop then
  19. i also posted ibotmodz.net and made some more pplz mad hopefully
  20. oh sweet there will be some fun games with that
  21. omg yay i feel special
  22. still 32 damn quests
  23. wtf ? thats tight how big is the soccer ball ?
  24. nice thanks
  25. he'll do it for you first
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