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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. if it has has search it's 5.5 right ? No programs except for itunes can find my ipod, linux installer rockbox installer, or ipw. the only thing that did was the loader2 program, the one that was with rockbox and it ran through command prompt edit: seems like all installers that dont run through cmd prompt cant find my ipod whats the problem ? also how do i replace the linux kernel ?
  2. ipw can't get it either and i really want the touch theme
  3. lets check edit: should it be enabled ? enable disk use is on ipl installer cant find ipod either
  4. ok so i think you mean ctrl alt delete but i did that already uhhhhhhh it still says cannot access ipod make sure all programs like itunes who use the ipod are closed
  5. did he make them ? he must have a website that has their html or img code
  6. ok i have ipodwizard 5.5 firmware and a 5.5 gen ipod video and something keeps messing up can you give me a tut on getting firmware on ? it keeps saying something is using ipod but i dont have itunes open and that it cant access ipod parameters
  7. I Do! i have Linux, Rock Box, Modded Apple Os, Nes Emulator, Gameboy emulators, Doom, and alot more all on my 5.5g Video. can you help me get that ipod touch menus on my video ?
  8. does anyone have some good mods/hacks for 5.5 gen video ?
  9. thank the lord
  10. where do you find all those ?
  11. i had finals/exams also and didnt get half days or anything i do get today off though
  12. no i just hope dice knew that it was a joke because it was obviously not your face ? maybe he just didnt read everything ?
  13. i never got to play the temple level i was a nub at goldeneye i wanted to play it
  14. lol over reaction my bad you think i wasnt kidding ? it was obviously not his face i really really hope you are joking
  15. wait is that Dr. Tran cause its great i watched Dr. TRan a really long time ago (a year i think)
  16. so last halloween i decided to go trick or treating and get some candy. we are going and we find a cat and its following us from house to house. and randomly it just runs into some random persons house and they cant get it out. thats my story
  17. wow thats good that she can talk at least. good luck to her
  18. I'm really sorry about your girlfriend, in 4th grade my best friend died of a brain tumor
  19. i was talking about golden eye ...
  20. i had some finals today i think i did pretty well, i have more tomorrow
  21. Canadians looks weird
  22. wow thats great
  23. well your australian
  24. mmmm waffles
  25. i have finals/exams this week too gonna suck
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