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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. wtf ?
  2. i really like this one for spammers
  3. i agree with you guys that makes it so much easier
  4. was temple the very last level after aztec ?
  5. i like them
  6. halo 3 is annoying i didnt play for a month and came back and won like 4 games with the top score going like positive 10+
  7. how do you do that ? i could only turn off one at a time i would stack a time of trip mines and everything explosive on the map by it, but then the trip mines start disappearing, and it only turns off 1 how do you get through most barriers ?
  8. i havent even played it but i want to buy it
  9. you at least have an iphone how much does it cost to buy ? how much is monthly bill ?
  10. ya and i'm skinny and she definitely doesnt have small boobs
  11. ok new years eve.... it was 20 minutes to midnight so we turn on the music in the pool room which is by the tv room. and the girls get like violent while grinding each other and i joined in... then they started doing this weird s*** and i was kinda confused on how they did it but it was crazy... so we go watch the ball drop and everyone hugs and crap ... but we go back into the room and theres an emo kid sitting on the table playing guitar
  12. i will definitely decrease my sig if thats what you want
  13. these girls were texting a guy to get a picture of down south and they werent going to send anything back but it wasnt working so we took a picture of my nipple and sent it to him and he sent a picture of stuff that me and the 2 other guys really didnt need to see. all i can say is no hair
  14. ya i think i also stick to soccer
  15. how do you do that around your arm ? what do you use ?
  16. i want to jump out of a car tied up at a stop sign and have 5 ppl get out and chase me then put me back in the car and drive away we are going to do it this summer i will have a video
  17. blue room i play zombies on it
  18. of course the swat team wont come to your house but they can kick him off the site for having illegal stuff, maybe that was your old host idk
  19. nice bump is there even going to be an ibotmodz team ? if there is i think i know who should be on it
  20. We didnt gain any members thats for sure . [marquee:k87phmbu]blah blah[/marquee:k87phmbu] whats marquee ? spoiler =[hiddenspoiler=:k87phmbu]hidden spoiler=snowmon ownzorz[/hiddenspoiler:k87phmbu] [spoiler:k87phmbu]snowmon pwnzorz
  21. ya i found that once its kinda annoying that i get excited cause i found a site and they dont let you register i just use torrents though it's very fast you might as well use a torrent
  22. I agree with your ideas i think they are good you could probably do that same thing with some other H2 sections
  23. how do you make the brush that is a solid color in the middle and has a neon glow around it
  24. is GOW 2 on the way ?
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