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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. since its from fattwam i trust that there is no virus
  2. yup i agree mlg will probably have much more ppl in COD3 than halo 3
  3. hahaha seriously
  4. thanks for letting us know idk if i have it
  5. thanks peach i got it to moderate from strict by myself idk how but now this will do it
  6. ooooh i know some stuff i can use these for
  7. ya i definitely did not mean to say vallhalla i meant under snowbound that maps really fun
  8. i like call of duty 4 better now
  9. mines bigger .... jk i wish i had one
  10. i think i might be done with halo 3 for a month right now its hard to actually be good so i think i will play COD 4 and Assassins Creed
  11. you rich piece of s*** i got a wireless controller COD 4 Assassins Creed A DC hoodie some clothes 70 dollars .... umm maybe a new cell phone if i trade with my dad
  12. caratti you have some crazy kills and i bet either drought or taco were in each of those games
  13. our worries is if it snows too much today the roads were complete ice so on the high way ppl go like 30 mph we got like 5 inches of snow idk MN is dangerous driving in winter
  14. still how did ppl make it ?
  15. its like 621 mb for pictures ? usually i download super fast but i was getting in slow
  16. umm i think they were plugging it into a phone modem so i just got wireless
  17. my parents kept trying to make me direct connect with a Ethernet cable which really doesnt work well so i just bought a wireless adapter
  18. its under valhalla
  19. how did you win the 50 $ ?
  20. oooh lucky
  21. wait so right now your on summer break ?
  22. omg maybe i just wont go friday but still i dont like only have a week then 2 days i used to always get 2 weeks
  23. how long does everyone get off for winter break ? cause im only getting one week plus 2 more days the next week
  24. ok well i really just wanted to make it Border Patrol where one team needs to get into the country or really just make it to the destination
  25. lots of linkin park music is fast and dramatic and good for montages another one i like is lux aeterna i think the name is
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