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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. i looked at the manual and it didnt explain how to make a wps or cfg in detail
  2. i think it says Ok to disconnect
  3. i would get each of those if ipodwizard could ever find my ipod how do you enable hidden folders ?
  4. [marquee:1t85rgxp]HAHAHAHA[/marquee:1t85rgxp] i can i think i might do that i have an air horn in my room
  5. your mother does
  6. i just wish they would remake some halo 2 maps.. lockout burial mounds headlong ivory tower... just some fun ones
  7. Can someone help me make an iphone or ipod touch theme for rockbox i could get all the icons and the background but i dont get how to make it into like .cgf or whatever i dont really get that and for the wps i could just use a pre-made one
  8. i like rockbox cause i got cool themes
  9. umm isn't disk mode the middle button and the menu button
  10. [marquee:35q49t76]HAHAHAHA[/marquee:35q49t76] i can
  11. is the link halocal.com ?
  12. well if they add team snipers ppl will get too good at them like in halo 2 every shot was a headshot
  13. [marquee:kq0ygkw8]119[/marquee:kq0ygkw8]
  14. umm sure i can use some stuff to make it better
  15. looks like its working hasn't started up completely yet just loading. if it works thank you so @#%$in much. yes its definitely working thank you so much ok what i did was i put the working kernel and renamed it linux.bin and it worked completey except it keeps saying something about MPD files not working. are there any other things that i can get for it ? ipl rockbox and apple are what i has now but what more good things are there?
  16. ok well i will easily get off rockbox but how do i get the linux on ? i take of linux.bin and replace it with that other file but then there are no cfg files to put that line in and when i replace linux.bin linux does not show up on the loader edit:: ok i have it loading rockbox in the ipl but not linux... i know what im doing wrong just not how to fix it. without linux.bin it doesnt have the icon in ipl . so i guess i need to put that line of text in but idk where to put it ? am i just doing it all wrong ?
  17. i thought it might be xSPARTANxOMEGAx, cause i played someone named that at my friends house once
  18. i cant really find a .cfg file. edit:i got rockbox on but im gonna experiment with it . i really want you to help me with that linux and get it on. also how can i get rockbox on the loader menu, so i can have linux and rockbox
  19. anyone have an idea why only batch files can get to my ipod even though itunes and no other programs that use itunes are running ?
  20. i got a lot of movies and tv shows from torrents so i need 30 gigs i could use more but its good enough
  21. pretty cool personally i like having enough room for movies and all my music
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