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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. what would the code look like ? and would it be the url from like photobucket url
  2. i don't think he ment to post that here
  3. thats true someone would try to get your account
  4. i am a noob but i like to use different guns
  5. lol, ya that would be cool
  6. Can't because none of them work
  7. ok so it wasn't them, i find it kinda weird that they actually talk to bungie guys, that would be cool
  8. Go into matchmaking and customs and show off, then completely rub it in my neighbor's face
  9. I don't see the link, and you should upload the picture so it isn't so big
  10. I realized that a few months ago. I just think that would be a very unactive section like the Ps3 section. ya there are a few sections that are kinda failures and no one posts in, idk about this one, could just test it
  11. Yes you do get flamed too much, but there can be too many sections, i also want to request again a filming/editing section
  12. I herd AT&T is terrible but i think its based on where you live. T Mobile is good not expensive but doesn't have great phones, i'm thinking of going to verizon
  13. You don't need to prepare for posts like this, only really flamable ones, i think real life section would be cool
  14. damn, owned
  15. It does look really cool and you do make some of th best mods, but you should upload some pics and get the perfect format
  16. i think you should release it to trusted people, there are too many trash mods right now to actually release it
  17. i think you should release it to trusted people, there are too many trash mods right now to actually release it
  18. you'll probably get blacklisted too
  19. I'm only double posting so that peach or someone else will answer this why do you need ;" after the hex code, also are attributes how you can add a background, and i don't mean just one color i mean like a picture
  20. how much HTML do you need to know for this, is everything peach has posted enough ?
  21. sorry but i can't wait
  22. just for referring to star wars i'm right with you
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