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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. I don't really like all the posts about someone winning a game, too many
  2. very true
  3. Could i join in? we could make it a party
  4. do i get points for posts and topics already made ?
  5. ok figures, i wasn't sure, what the hell does he want ?
  6. ya.. that RapiD person is determined, hopefully we can stay unhacked on this new site
  7. <3 Melo thanks to whoever helped get the site up and running
  8. <3 Melo thanks to whoever helped get the site up and running
  9. Spam much? please stop with the spamming Dark R0gue This is spam section
  10. oh my bad i can edit if you want, not a bad idea
  11. [youtube:2tit8vza]f3DbO52ATWg[/youtube:2tit8vza] there ya go I liked it, you're really good
  12. I agree with you, it does cause spam
  13. it's a cool place
  14. I think he took it away because we had no members than, but now i think we might have enough
  15. because it was dumb and spam <3
  16. I completely agree with you, I was going to suggest this myself, but halo 3 tournament instead of halo 2
  17. Ya I really like the old WW2 weapons, I think they're cool
  18. what's the site that checks if there are viruses ?
  19. or he could be a male prostitute, for either gay guys are girls. we could make big money
  20. Snowmon333♥


    I'm going to try to see this, but none of my friends ever want to see movies
  21. say it's a pikmin that can create websites and do electrical engineering, and you can teach it anything
  22. ok i wasn't sure but then I thought about UT, just clarifying for people
  23. ha might as well try, then kidnap him or something
  24. Do you not need to download the program ? or is it with all the roms
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