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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  2. we actually had 7217 members
  3. what grade are you in now ? like 5th ?
  4. thanks dark master, now i know i can't really afford it
  5. very nice informational post thank you
  6. I've seen smokie's name as a normal member while right next to it, it was normal blue
  7. I think when you buy the game and it says online gameplay may change or something like that, maybe that's kina what they mean
  8. I'm not sure I'll look though, mr. garrison puts a gerbil in mr. slave's ass
  9. Thanks i recently burnt this game so I'm going to play it now
  10. reminds me of a south park episode
  11. I hope he gets console banned
  12. Snowmon333♥

    Fallout 3

    There's more than just Gears 2, there's Fable 2, Resident Evil 5, Star Wars TFU, LOTR Conquest
  13. everyone knows about halo wars, but I think there is a project after that they should be telling us about
  14. exactly, but not everytime on cod 4 for me, so when i get too pissed off from playing halo 3 i switch it up
  15. was it like a year or 2 ago that they put something into your heart ? was it even your heart ?
  16. I'm not looking to buy one really, I just want to know that stuff
  17. it's Luke Skywalker
  18. at the very bottom of this weekly news it is talking about some projects http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?ty...s&cid=14814 then at the very end it says - Lo, there is still another Me and my friends call halo Lo, but there is not going to be a Halo 4 does anyone else think Marathon ? If not what do you guys think ?
  19. well I heard Marathon begins with chief stepping out of the cryogenic thing
  20. you shall
  21. I agree, after effects is better for effects of course, but I think Vegas' timeline is much easier to use
  22. I think the program I've used is called prism video converter, I think I just downloaded a trial or something
  23. I'd love the instinct, iPhone, Glyde, or Voyager
  24. Could someone tell me how much at&t pays apple for each iphone, how much they sell them for, and how much the monthly plans are
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