How do you know this is the fastest CPU? I looked online and read that the amd you posted what THEIR gastest processor not THE fastest processor.
thats like saying im so damn nerdy i want everybody on twitter and myspace to know i spend my time on gaming websites when im not playing games themselves.
Fable 1 was my favorite RPG until fallout 3, fable 2 was a huuuuuuggggggeee letdown. If fable 3 had as large a setting as fallout 3 and used a better engine, got rid of the stupid dog, more NPC interaction, greater morale effect and the longer story I would buy that the day it comes out.
In the Game Tony Haw's Underground 1 you might notice at the point where you enter Tampa, FL (where I live) there is a strip club with a space ship on top of it.
SKIP TO 1:35 No joke, I live on the street right next to it (Palmetto st) not saying specifically obviously but i'll prove it. The Strip club is called 2001 Odyssey it's on a highway called Dalemabry, next to it is a Sonic and past the sonic is a Sweetbay grocery store. (I walk to sweetbay and the gamestop next to it) 2345 N Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, FL, United States put that into google maps and you will see everything I described
I'd like to start with C++ can anyone help me find a compiler? I went to the GCC site and their US mirror link didnt work. should I use one of the international one?
I would just google but I know lots of members here do it and I can get daily responces to my questions. So Where do I begin? I understand there are multiple languages can anyone tell me which language is "best" in their opinion and where, how, and which I should begin from.
Wow there one more loss of rep. Grow up. Anyway I disagree with the site too it's FULL of bs that isn't in the bible blasphemy! Well anyway I see hipocrites you (no one specifically except for the assholes who gave me more -rep) need to realize you say "don't harass me because I believe differently" and then you give me -rep for expressing my opinion. Once again I say grow up.