Today er I mean yesterday (it's almost 5am here) I opened my computer. Yay! Well I figured a few things about my outdated compaq with the ********* processor. After closing it back up and logging in I decided to download sp3 for my computer just to see if it could give a little oil to my machine. It downloads and then restarts, windows can't load so I do a system recovery..... Windows is still f'ed up. All i request is for a download for windows xp home edition because the computer was preinstalled with xp and did not come with the boot disc. I want to format the harddrive and use the boot disc to reinstall xp and give my pc new life. After this I plan to buy 2-512mb sticks of RAM and a agp (I think) graphics card because my pc doesn't use sata or the modern pci stuff.
1) where are you located? 2) what are the prices for: buying a modded controller, having you or any of your coworkers install a mod into the consumer's controller. Will you even provide mod installation services (for cheaper)? 3) can we ask for custom mods instead of just turbo? 4) how are you modding these controllers? with chips like the high end modders?
Thanks alot! I had alot of trouble lately. I brought my Jailbroken touch to Nc (from florida)with me and tried to patch it so it would be untethered but i screwed it up and restored it but then it was an entirely new ipod touch with none of my songs/apps because im no where near my pc in Florida. If i take this back to Florida, recover it so i get all my songs and apps back, then do this 3.0 restore will it automatically give me back all my songs and apps again?
I think ibotmodz needs a mobile version of the site. Before the ipb upgrade I surfed ibotmodz with ease on my iPod touch. Now I can't use the shoutbox or even view new content (posts).
I'm excited for odst but I haven't pre-ordered it I won't unless i need to for the halo reach beta (which was a total letdown at e3 we don't even know whether it's an fps rpg rts or anything)
Telling people your actual opinion elimnates the possibility of a false self esteem. My opinion is that you should read up and mess around with some brushes.
That's saying that our species evolved because we moved out of Africa well Africans are humans too and they didn't move to newer climates neither did the monkeys that stayed there.
If u have read the bible before there always has been God he was not "born".(oh and can a mod remove that monkeyman's post? i find it offensive) Big bang theory doesnt make sense, it states that at one point that the ENTIRE UNIVERSE was once a super dense point, ok then what would have surrounded this "point"? Evolution is being proved false very often, like the animals found in the amazon believed to have been extint for thousands to millions of years ago. If we were once monkeys then why haven't the other species evolved nearly as fast as ours? And then how does that explain races? natural selection pshhhh
I'm a Christian, Protestant, and I go to AG churches (Assembly of God.) I was born and raised going to church. I have become less believing or agnostic in the last few months because of what has happened to my sister in the hospital. I believe that not all religions lead to heaven and we all know that but inside we are saying "hahaha he thinks he is going to heaven by worshipping some cow, fat dude, or idol." I know it is hard to believe the bible but our entire religion is based on faith. There are religious miracles happening everyday but the media just doesn't show because they wouldn't want to make one religion seem greater then another viewers.
Shocker, i had no idea. Well (If it is you) i think you were too much mascara, a new hair cut would look good, chill with the straightning iron, finally a lil tan could be attractive.
Joined: August 25 2 years ago (member 106 on new site) Other Aliases: Spartan0m3ga Posts: Number: 849 apparently, but that was reduced by about 1000 a while back. Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): Yes Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: I dont think of it as just a way for me to grab free stuff but a privelage I earned, and really I don't go on other sites. (besides facebook) Knowing that there is leaked/stolen content in there, do you support leaked/stolen content or frown upon it? Actually it depends. I support leeked content as long as credit is given where it is due even if it was leaked.