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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. hahahah i think the spliced song is hillarious but yeah the fake proposal is the best but harsh he didnt have a girlfriend after that.
  2. i don't but my friend who grows sends me pics every so often to show me the growth change. My parents trust me and would never even think that i would do that though sooooo no worries.
  3. Prank Wars is a collection of videos by two members of the College Humor site. Streeter and Amir. Watch the videos they begin small but become funnier and more elaborate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QigWnxyvsnU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_chYJhclCXk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgzhIV9D2SE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFPu4oSlIPE sorry about that limit of 4 media inserts
  4. http://www.speedtest.net/result/537113572.png really bad hospital hotspot
  5. if they looked at my pic and text messages they would find i drink and smoke pot which would be baaaaaaddddd.
  6. yeah i was thinking emboss too.
  7. "prosecuting 2 teens for stealing imaginary items on runescape" lmao this kid is stupid. I must say the phishing site is nearly identical.
  8. .Slack♠


    psn i think mine is SlackAttack813 im not sure though well because im never using psn i play fallout 3, SF4 and SC4.
  9. Tap water
  10. Regaci is that a pokemon or something? Hi legacy...
  11. Are you being racist!!!! I thought Microsoft didn't have a color near my skin so I modded it!! That's what I look like! Racist mofo!!!! Jk jk I'm white as milk i thought it would be funny to make a pitch black ghetto kid.... If you put on a brown horizontal facemask he looks like a ninja (my gamerpic)
  12. Republican, I assume. Well Yee Haw! good job brother! jk jk good stencils id like to see these in the tampa area :].
  13. Maybe not do what forza did but at least give us a variety of colors for shirts shoes gloves or pants.
  14. MS is doing it because of the kajillions they make off halo players.
  15. No one is going to do this.
  16. The main menu is on the actual game disk not the hardrive I think.
  17. I beat fable 2 and I guess some village clothing and a rifle would be cool. If you don't already have fallout 3 buy it!!! I can honestly say the game is over 300x the size of all of Albion and has a story much longer with waaaaaaayyyy more exploration.
  18. The assassins creed hood and outfit would be awesome! With the hidden blade as the special items they are going to be introducing and the pipboy3000! Hmmm what else?
  19. Rofl so u can have shirtless girl avatars?
  20. Personally I would like some fallout 3 clothing because I just became obsessed with it. Like brotherhood of steel armour and a vault jumpsuit.
  21. Thats cool I want to find out.
  22. .Slack♠


    I'm a steeler fan yes. Lol xploder forums suck I made an account there just for modio I think. Which was a waste now they clutter my inbox.
  23. Yeah I'd get the 64 bit. I'd rather have a pentium 4 than my AMD semprom 3100+. I bought an HD monitor acer brand I think it was around $180. I may buy a new cooler master. Why don't you use windows 7 RC? Free OS that will last you a year.
  24. I have to wait like 5months later because I have a ps3
  25. XP home edition version 2002 sp2
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