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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. hologram is ******* awesome.
  2. get a job
  3. my 1st psp when i was in 6th grade and it hadnt been out for more than a year for $40 with 3 games
  4. Idk what I believe. theres so much support for both arguments. miracles do happen though, i know that for sure.
  5. NOBODY JACK THIS im too lazy to pm
  6. thats like arguing with a majority of the english speaking world.
  7. Theres so much wrong with this list its not even funny. Halo 2 should be in the top 10 and they should rip San Andreas out of the whole list seeing as 3 was wwwwwaaaayyyy more popular. AND WTF IS SUPER MARIO SUNSHINE DOING ON THE LIST!?!?!? THEME PARK!?!?!? HOGS OF WAR?!?! reeeeeeaaalllllyyy?
  8. id probably stutter too much for this to work.
  9. lol gears now with females. the slim has same issues as old 360? i think you are referring just to the whole disc chomping thing. welllll you should be ******* moving your 360 while theres a ******* disc in it and its on in the first place.
  10. not hardcore. not a kid.
  11. Gears 3, CoD Black Ops, Kinect, 360 Slim, Crysis 2, Assassins Creed 3, Halo Reach, and sooo much more. You have a bunch of games for 8 year olds....wow.
  12. Im soooooo excited for this but a little sad that its the exact same outdated engine as last time.
  13. why the **** are you moving your sbox while the console is on in the first place? Or playing a game!
  14. doesn't hulu use flash? how will the ipad use it?
  15. .Slack♠

    IRL Yao Guai

    AHHHHHHHHHH i wonder if there is a mofo deathclaw!!!!!
  16. it is new tech right? uses same chhip as the ipad.
  17. me too and MW wasn't out then lol.
  18. it. is. badass 100%. Buuuuuut i dont want to pay for AT&T's huge mofo bill. Sooooo who thinks the next Ipod Touch will have a camera?
  19. old. i found out when my bio teacher put a vid about the effects of radiation on the place and was like OMGWTFBBQ. 50,000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town.
  20. WTF IS THISSSSSS I WANT THE OLD BAD ASS MOFO GAME THAT WAS GEARS 1 BACK!!!1!11111!!!! Gears 1 was actually somewhat scary with it's dark and grittiness. And the mofo berserker had me ******** myself and the game went from fighting your way into hell to a stroll in the park.
  21. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1935460 calm down people!
  22. .Slack♠


    pics or didnt happen.
  23. if you have the code you dont need to put odst in right? its so damn annoying loading that thing up every time.
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