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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. It is an app on the app store.
  2. .Slack♠


    I'm in the top 5000 players (really hard to maintain.) My top single trick (no multiplier) is 108,497. My online competition score right now is 4,797,191 how about you guys?
  3. I'm sorry I just looovvveee talking to high school girls. Even if it is expensive
  4. I've been inactive too but for dif reasons I'm working on my social status and talking to girls ☺
  5. Duke university
  6. I would like to test and how does one such as myself know If he can keep VIP?
  7. .Slack♠


    Wow what did you make it with photoshop or paint? Really imaginative.
  8. I liked it thought it was pretty catchy
  9. .Slack♠

    Zone Art

    Since when do u need to be a gfx pro, master or whatever the hell to say something looks decent!?!?! Jesus Christ you people are insane. Leave it alone all he was looking for was a some thoughts on his work.
  10. .Slack♠

    Zone Art

    chill out. caratti don't listen I think it's pretty beast but my fav of yours has always been what you created for blackspark after he "died". Everyone is being a lil too serious if you really think it's so simplistic do it and show us it isn't as hard as he makes it you shouldn't call his work horrible after he spends hours of his time working on it that's just disrespectful.
  11. .Slack♠


    Why do u need blood work?
  12. No one likes jerks who jack xbox live accounts and flame every one.
  13. Cool i live in tampa, Fl it's nice because the girls and the short shorts yum yum.
  14. Some of the ppl in my skool are incredible, she is very good.
  15. Last time we talked the only "flamer" you could think of was V3NOM....
  16. whats the point when you cant play whenever you like though
  17. Experience and qualification.
  18. carlislack.page.tl My sis, no scam real s***. In the hospital for about 7 months and she has been in a bed for about 6/7.
  19. Seems very simple but it's a start.
  20. The focal is screwed up and it's alright.
  21. The text is hard to read, and what did it look like in color?
  22. how do you buy? Paypal? I mean it's not like you are going to envelop some cash and mail it to them.
  23. Cool top 20 still sucks that when everyone got their "true post count" i lost over half.
  24. Can i see a tut on the hotmail app. What is SSH and Winterboard?
  25. Hahah that's pretty funny where did you get the person, and is she doing yoga or something?
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