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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. kingdom hearts.
  2. .Slack♠


    but i was just zipping up my pants!
  3. .Slack♠


    got suspended from justin.tv can someone help me find a proxy to use to stream again?
  4. I really want that calender thing can you tell me where to get it?
  5. you need a redemption token
  6. no they are. i saw this over a week ago as well.
  7. shadowrun was fantastic in fact i spent hours just playing the demo.
  8. more like THE shit. im excited. **** ios android will prosper!
  9. they all die.
  10. its so hard to find working activators
  11. well me and my buddies were shooting each other and it got me wanting to get a bigger, badder gun to take them on with so im thinking about buying one. im not really sure about what the best specs are for a gun but i wanted one that was electronic had a decent fps and was around 50 bucks. http://www.hobbytron.com/AirsoftSubMachineGunGunAEGCMCM023.html any good?
  12. didnt take the time to even clean up for a display lol.
  13. this controller is missing a black drawing of pikachu on it.
  14. none of this is real math though they throw the words into multiplication and subtraction at random.
  15. .Slack♠

    Holy God.

  16. ooph FB not doing so good.
  17. youre going to hell.
  18. gears is such a host game lol
  19. Rivet City- FO3 The Guild- Fable Destiny Island- Kingdom Hearts Series The Resort- Wii Sports Resort
  20. .Slack♠

    New 360 Info

    hey you guys guess what? i wrapped my brand new 360 in a blanket and suffocated it with tape to try and kill it! but all for research. We do what we must because we can.
  21. forged with other recognizable bloodgulch landmarks?
  22. sweet! update this when 360 codes are available.
  23. does it piss people off in lost planet?
  24. who doesnt?
  25. I hate when people respond to others using stupid pictures.
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