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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. i dont understand its purpose or meaning then i could give it a rating
  2. The black circles around him so if i duplicated the render and did a radial blur(zoom) would that give it the affect your talking about?
  3. Melo? hes never on, i voted snowmon i really think Smokiest should have been on this he's been doing a great deal of work for the site ex: post generator, tons of resources, mods, lots of other things too
  4. rings?
  5. 8th in order by period American history Language Arts P.E. Art Science Algebra 1 Hon.
  6. well i made this but it needs work im not asking for someone to do it for me im asking for a tip or advice on what i should do and how to do it i want to do pentool but i dont know how to and clipping mask didnt work to well http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7022-826.png
  7. should have blurred the stock a bit so you cant see the face on the right but it looks fabulous 8.5/10
  8. i dont see how you can learn anything from a psd
  9. its a little big but ok
  10. true criticism- i dont like the text i dont like how the overkill is just a rectangle at the bottom some pen tool the matches the explosion would be pretty cool
  11. .Slack♠

    im back

    may i request a sig like the one you made for blackspark?
  12. gracias mi amigo
  13. i like that idea
  14. its playlist then the # (the color) on ps3 so why isnt it like that for 360
  15. im on your tail
  16. make a laxmonster fanbar
  17. post the code so i can put in my sigs for other sites and forums
  18. omgzorz MasterSnail wow you've posted been a long long long time
  19. ok so we know map modding is temporarily impossible but what about gametype or profile editing i mean you really can't consider that "cheating" when its something as small as instant respawn so why cant we make use of the smaller editing we can do? If Anthony made an instant respawn gametype why wouldnt he release that (i mean the program)? Seriously would we get banned for starting with no weapon or having instant respawn? i would like to get information on progression of gametype/profile editing programs
  20. rage........... this angers you? or was it spam?, did the single use of enrage you? Because you must be very sensitive if enrages you or even small spam. The sig was funny because it tells me you think that people need to "Save Ibotmodz" when the site is fine oh ok we dont have as many members as we used to on the old site -but that was before halo 3, when the modding community was large and i think the site is fine it doesnt need "saving"
  21. what makes this bettr or worse than engineer?
  22. has this been found 4 360?
  23. save as .png not .gif you make it seem like the site is dying
  24. .Slack♠


    i like all but 2nd great job
  25. you can comment but not judge the sig
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