Dun Dun Dun PS3 copies 360 by trophy system then 360 copies Wii with avatar 360 also copies ps3 with cross media bar im eager for this update so i can burn Fable TLC, Halo 1, and 2 to my hd. hopefully news on the new bungie game go to 4:30 on the schedule
you wouldnt believe how many people do by doing this you can install a microphone and another app that lets you use your touch as a phone whenever theres a wifi connection.Theres lots of things you can do i plan on buying a touch then jailbreaking it.
this "team" is a joke im on it and no one spends there time in forge finding glitches trust me +its not about knowing glitches that have already been made but you have to find new ones
yes and sadly..............back to WW2, but theres a change this time you are fighting in the pacific big whoop. i like Modern Warfare and so did most of the CoD community but o well
i love freaking out my friends by doing this i go "I am your genie you may have one wish what object do you wish for?" friend-"i dont know a warthog" "your wish has been granted, turn around" "OMG! how did you do that?"(while they are turned around i do it again" "what is your 2nd wish?..............."
i started make animations for my phone mods these are what i have made http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29367-110.gifhttp://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29367-111.gif http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29367-112.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29367-113.jpg
i have it too and getting those drivers and patches are required for vista its a huge hassle notice see if you are running vist 64 bit because it does not work for that
i made these using a trial for a program but it has that geovid label on it and i dont want that, does anyone know a program that doesnt do that http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29355-114.gif http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/29355-115.gif
It worked but for my KRZR the opening and closings were .gifs so i had to just edit the .gif layer by layer but its great. this is what i see when i turn my phone on and off http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28076-174.gif (SackAttack813 is my gamertag and Slack is my last name)
I just love how people insult this map because all they did was look at the pictures. +this was my first worked on forge map i made this a looooooooooong time ago so its more of a joke to myself. +you shouldn't rate on the pictures but instead on gameplay. +and i like how you give it a low rating because you payed the forge hub one i've played the forge hub map and if you look at it it is VERY different from the halo 2 version.