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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. very very nice tut, those are the kind i like. good job, i defiantly learned lots from that.
  2. subs_55


    as far as i now its the normal cs2, but yeah ill try an re-install it.
  3. subs_55

    The Fall

    i agree, the clors dont work well with each other, purple, light pink, teal, light blue, tan/orange, just seams a bit random.
  4. subs_55


    its jsut not there, not faded, not nothing. ive done what you said an what many ppl said an its not there. wtf.......... just another way to show that the world hates me....
  5. do you want me to follow it exactly? or wit ha diff render n stuff?
  6. subs_55

    New Sig

    i dont think i like it as much as other people do. i just dont, its hard to explain. well i do like but i dont think its amazing imo. i like v5 better. sorry, but what do i know?
  7. subs_55


    nice, ive never thought of doing something like that. good idea.
  8. yes the tus it quite nice. good job. gave me a few ideas, i think.
  9. subs_55


    ok now im worried, i dont have that option at all. no joke. it just not there.
  10. subs_55


    they are the same but how you get to things or how you do things are different. for example there is no apply image on cs2. there is a difference an it is hard to follow a tut if you cant do what they do because its done a different way. im not just making up excuses, i do read tuts.
  11. ok its kinda dark, because of your color selection. very little depth, the blue stuff on top lowers the depth. the focal doesnt stand out, an oddly enough what seams to be the focal is the guys shoulder or arm pit. sorry man its a bit sloppy, an look kinda like you jsut slapped stuff on there that might have looked good on there own but not together. the lighting an the possible depth behind the blue stuff is ok but its not amazing. i highly recommend looking at some tuts that teach you about the basics such as flow, depth an making your focal more visible. what i mean by that is look at tuts that dont unnecessarily show you step by step how to make a sig, but one that just shows little bits of advice an tips to help the topics that i listed above. dont be discouraged, we need more gfx ppl an even of we didnt you have potential an seam to be interested in the subject. those are enough reasons to keep it up.
  12. subs_55


    great stuff, more simple which in my opinion owns complex. love the vibe i get from them. hopefully i can learn something from you, i could use it. welcome to the site again an please, for the love of god, keep it up.
  13. good to see some more people joining our site for the gfx, maybe there is still hope. welcome, an if my vote counted it would be a yes its nice stuff.
  14. subs_55


    apparently, do i know you? or do you know me? well whatever, hello to you too.
  15. subs_55


    i have tried to do some more things but i usually fail. i lack the creativity for any of that stuff. i also lack the resources to do such things. i guess i also lack the motivation to keep on failing. again, lack of resources an creativity. not tuts a barley read them due to me using cs2, an me having a hard time finding a good tut for just cs2 (most dont say which one they used). i also find that the tuts dont really work right unless you have excatly the same pics, an when i try an do something simular i dont have the right resources for it so it looks bad.
  16. subs_55


    its decent. it looks like you found a new brush pack an had fun but, the good thing is that it wasnt stupidly done. it looks like you took some time deciding where an how the brushes should be used, an it looks decent. nice to see another gfx hopeful on this site.
  17. im leaving the 30th to go vsit my dad an some of my old freinds. wont be back till very late august or after. but i might be able to get on the comp a couple times during my trip. so ya dont be surprised if im not on. i know this is in a week but im bored.
  18. subs_55


    i wanted to make it look kinda like a framed picture but the glass on the front had gotten broken. its also a reference to the focal's (or the kid from transformers) hope being lost, or shattered. i really like this one yet i can still pretty much guess the comments that are coming. CnC http://i35.tinypic.com/2jdjm6a.png
  19. i love everything except the normal sig, sorry. i just dont care for it.
  20. yeah its the same, i got it off planetrenders. just searching around. its from guild wars tho.
  21. i think i perfer the origional, only slightly. but its nice man. i dont think its amazing (no offence), but is good, nice gesture.
  22. i like this one, a simple darker one- http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7953/size/lg same with this one- http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7892/size/lg an this one- http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7504 this one is sick- http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7485 an this looks pro- http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7903 there ya go, thats my two cents.
  23. chill? whats did i do now? i want mad or anything i was just commenting.
  24. lmfao thats smooth bro. i say it counts!
  25. i know that simple isnt bad but cnc means comment an critique, so thats what ya do, it just could be better. i kinda agree it is hard to see the sprite, i guess it easier to see it when you saw the original an worked with it for an hour.
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