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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. its a pretty basic picture. its decent, i like the text an the red lines. i dont like the bulk of the bg, the render is a bit creepy but that minor, the render was blended in fairly cheaply. no offense by any of this, just criticism. its ok tho. dont give up
  2. i voted for lax, because he took a risk, a did something new. its a differnt style an i respect him for doing something uncommon. it looks sweet, who cares if its monotone? that isnt always a bad thing. but dont think im saying its better. everyone has there opinions an not everything is as black an white as you may think. obviously not everyone agrees with you. if everyone had the same opinion then there wouldn't be different kinds of music, or movies etc. this isnt saying that dice's work is bad tho its very good, they both are. it was a tie in my head, but i gave it to lax for taking a risk an trying something new. im sorry it kind sounds like im snapping on you. i respect your opinon i just dont think its right to assume that your opinon is right. im sorry if this looks as if i am mad at you or anyone. good job lax an dice
  3. im assuming that you meant stops an starts? if you wait a bit an let it load it works right. give it a few seconds longer.
  4. i think you should talk directly to peaches when he gets back.
  5. i can try, is there a color set that would be best? an when you say pics of games an movies do you mean like posters an cases or like renders of characters from the games/movies?
  6. we can just have the ppl vote by post an if there reason is legit, then there vote counts. it shouldnt neccesaraly be 3 points. i believe melo did this before, it worked well.
  7. okay i made this sig, my intention was to make it look as if it where raining. after i made it i thought "hey! lets actually make it look like its raining!" so i did. here they are, please C&C. Regular version: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31889-21.png Animated version: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31889-22.gif
  8. its decent, it would be better if the guy was better blended in. just an little.
  9. subs_55


    nice job man, there are some i dont care much for but there are some i like. good job.
  10. um okay!? thanks for the feedback!
  11. ok i figured it out, i didnt know that you had to goto "save for web..." or whatever i just when to "save as..." but whatever its fixed an i think im done! woot! check out my stuff guys!
  12. ok hers my stuff so far, almost done. C&C if you wish Motivational poster: click here, http://i29.tinypic.com/sbujgk.jpg its too big an i dont feel like shrinking it right now. User bar: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31655-48.jpg Avatar: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31655-49.jpg Animated signature: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31655-50.gif Regular Signature: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31655-51.png
  13. haha love the motivational poster! yeah ill make a topic, im done everything except the normal sig. good job man, this should be sweet.
  14. How do i get my animation onto the site? what do i save it as? an do i just upload like you do with a pic? If your using photoshop I can get a tutorial for you if you want. You save it as a .gif and just upload it like a normal picture. ok but i use cs2 an it doesnt seem to give me that opition....
  15. isimple, good colors, gets to the point, looks professional. good job hmmmm how about...... 8/10?
  16. two questions 1. what is a motivational poster exactly? i think i got a general idea but i dont want to do it wrong. 2. can i use a sig that i have posted, but i altered to a good degree, because it sucked hard. then i made it good? its pretty much new cuz it was REALLY bad before. EDIT: i lied i got another question how do i get my animation onto the site? what do i save it as? an do i just upload like you do with a pic?
  17. well..... that explains alot about the meaning of life! at least you pumped an i guess i have to join now. 1 question tho, are we guna vot eon the winner? an if so is it going to be a vote ofr the colective pagage of stuff we post? or are we guina vote on each category individually? like sigs the poster etc, then add up the points? or what?????!
  18. we will see, two weeks will be ok, when does it start?
  19. maybe, its kinda a bad time. i have another battle im in, im colabing with deathgrip, an i have ps block. ill let ya know
  20. sigh, your getting close to crossing the line here. ther is no reason to start this again. you know what im talking about. its ok. simple, not too fancy. not much to say. the bg smudging is done decently, the render does stand out a bit much, its cut off on the left side slightly.
  21. lol i was split screening and i made it look like one screen if thats what you were asking, was the quality good? at all -Legacy yeah that what i mean. an yess it was good quality for youtube. really good.
  22. interesting.... im assuming that you where basicaly just testing the ablity to switch between single screen an two screen right?
  23. subs_55


    im not sure if i like much. its hard to tell what it is. it looks a bit over sharppend in areas. the flame looks like hes on fire, then he is floating on top of more fire, because of the dark smoke that is below him. it looks like he is floating also because of how you can see the bottom of the render and how there is no ground ( that is visible) under him. but its still ok, just pointing out the bad.
  24. disturbed- inside the fire ( warning: the vid is pretty creepy, id consider not watching if you scare easily) http://youtube.com/watch?v=eFCBPR-LcO8 i might get more later i just cant really get any right now.
  25. subs_55

    The Joker

    dont worry man, i will alawys be here to reply when you need it. anyway, its cool man. it as a creative vibe. its grainny an rough. looks killer, with the purple, an the simple text works decent with it. heh i hope this doesnt count as advertisment but you should check out lax's site. its a bit small but it's focus is GFX
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