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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. well the editing is great, the gameplay is great. a little over done in some places but they all seam pretty decent. my only complaint is one that you cant really fix or change. the thing is that its halo. halo montages are everywhere, and though these are good its still just "another halo montage." in my mind halo died awhile ago, an i know that its still a popular game. its just all been done before in some way shape or form an it doesnt really tickle my fancy. id strongly advise your friend to continue video editing an in no way am i bashing halo, its just not interesting to me anymore.
  2. i told you im going to help i just have no idea whatsoever so im letting you lead the way captain.
  3. care to explain your rather uncreative insult? or are you just too cool?
  4. i love how everyone over reacts about this. you would have to be stuck is one tiny little hole to take that seriously. even if the guy was serious you dont need to s*** on him. calm down, life can be good if you let it.
  5. well that was decent. ive seen better, but theres always better. by far better then anything i could do, keep it up. i have a question though, why is everyone that take halo seriously so sour? yes im stereotyping because ive never met a halo-aholic that isnt. thats the main reason why i barely play the game. i remeber when games where fun an made people happy not violent on the verge of murder 14 year-olds playing m-rated games cuz its "cool."
  6. ok i officially respect you now. i dont know if that means much to you but, im serious. all you little kids need to cool it an grow up. there is no way that everyone can be happy. obviously though the majority of people are or else he wouldnt have gotten the job. your not proving a thing when you guys make your threats and washed up insults. if someone would like to look on the bright side, it would be nice. if not then find something worth while and usefull to b**** about, maybe something that you can fix. i hope this little squabble is done with now. well then, as for the picture, that is some nice stuff. i admit it took me awhile to see it but, i got it an its well done. i would keep it up man your good at it.
  7. im not sure if your serious or not, but good luck with that. 10% of the people hate me (so most of the active members) 30% tolerate me, an the rest have no idea who i am. also i dont want the job. if you guys want it you can fight all you want but i think its stupid. have fun.
  8. ok this is why i dislike this place. its taken way to seriously (in my mind) its like a cult or something. but whatever, i honestly dont see how a blue name an the ability to clean up the forum is something to fight over. maybe if you where being paid or rewarded or something. maybe im just greedy or heartless, but in my mind i could find something much better to do with my time. no offense to anyone just thought id share.
  9. i didnt create this to argue or hear you yell at me again i wanted to hear other people. im fine that you posted some decent stuff but your kinda sour about it. forgive me for being un educated an not jumping on the cool kidz train without looking.
  10. ok forgive me for bing "stupid" or "retarded" but id like to know why it seams that most people hate Ford. now im expecting answers like "cuz the suck" or "they always break" or "wtf noob" i want a well educated, well thought out an proven reason. in my mind i have no favorite nor least favorite brand in this matter due to the fact that i dont or never have owned an driven, or repaired any vhihicle of my own. the only car i own is a second hand an ive never drove. so i would like to know if anyone has some first had facts. i dont consider a second hand car you bought then it breaking down, a good arguement, because you never wore it out an you dont know for sure what the last owner did with it. thanks an while i know this isnt really a big deal i would just like to know for peronal reasons. i wil try an respect your opinions but in return give me something respectable to well... respect.
  11. CnC
  12. i live in Canada an i think ive only seen milk in a bag once. im missing the stereotype =/
  13. woot for four day weekends, an eating way to much!
  14. ok i sure i dont have to explain this so......... CNC
  15. thanks for the tips, i did you the burn tool btw XP
  16. ho thats nice, great idea an i love the pic of the chick in it its done expertly. how in hell did you do that anyway? is that an actual painting?
  17. thanks guys, i kinda needed that. well lets see what the future holds eh?
  18. i think im going to try to get back into some gfx again. i liked it before, just people ruined it. but i believe in second chances an i know that many of the problems where my fault as well. so lets try thing again. its been a long while but i think this one isnt too bad.
  19. i wanst shooting for realistic. but i understand.
  20. yup thats got to be it, what else would it be? how can i possibly have a point? im just deemed instantly wrong an thats it. sorry bout that.
  21. im getting that part, but i was direction my reply to the "I'm sorry if my stuff actually has a concept instead of just a render slapped on a brushed background that took 2 steps. " part. seamed like a sarcastic attack, an attack that is quite common.
  22. i dunno i thought it was needed. it was just in the list so.....i used it thanks again.
  23. you rly mean it? well its not the truth, you where one of the betters, but the emotion of hate still lingers. but man this is nice thanks. i might have to pop in a bit more often now.
  24. i know it wasnt neccessary did you even read it all? an i tied so hard not to offend people an kept reminding you that i was MY OPINION but yet your still offendend an sour about it. like c'mon man! dont tell me youve gone all weird too? i wasnt insulting your work it was unbeliveable obvius that i wasnt but you still take it like an attack? ive always said your better then me an i still have never once said that i was better then anyone. but like i expected, nothing has gotten better only worse.
  25. yes it is me, again. well its been awhile. ive basically given up on this stuff but there was this one time.... about a month ago maybe? idk but i made this while i was in the "omgicantwait!!" stage of getting my guitar. so i made this one boring day. for those of you who care or know anything bout guitars, its an epiphone les paul special II limited edition with hot rod flame print. a great beginner guitar for a crazy low price, an i love it. so yeah back to the pic, its sized for my bg on my desktop. your more then welcome to click on er' an use it. doubt anyone will though.
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