wow, i just listened to there myspace page that you posted and its got a reall decent sound, i might have to check them out a bit more. thnx man for showing me these guys.
lulz and to teh slippy, it isnt a filler post, we were told in school to find a place on the internet to discuss this topic, so before deaming it a "big ass filler post" you could read at least a bit off it. aside from that though i this does belong in off topic, just the lack of respect on your part bothers me and shouldn't occur from any staff let alone a sub-admin.
im interested in trying to make some c4ds or some other abstract art like that. but i cant seam to find any programs that would do a decent job, or they cost too much and are to big to download (slow wireless internet and ****** step dad). anyone know of a good one? or a good few? thxz
man that sucks, i dont know what to say, i can really help. my youngest cousin just past away a couple days ago. he was only 7, of Meningitis. not a great thing. good luck
im in, but how can you prove or tell that its no more then 50 layers? you cant rly demand the .psd well i guess you can but still kinda odd rule. but W/E!
ya man, sorry been busy. ima guna work on it right now. EDIT: i got a couple more options but i kinda have bit of a block and im just not in the mood, sorry. but here not much has changed just the outer edge, but the white might blend with the bg a bit, i just looked at it and it needs to be whiter but you might like the idea. the dark just looks okay. idk man ill screw with it a bit more some other time.
i downloaded the adobe one a week or so ago and it looks nice. i havent done much with it though, havent had time. i still get static though, but im using seriously crappy hardware on my lappy. i just fixed my desktop a few days ago and ill try it with that when i get a chance. thanks for the advice.
the rules are great,i love how bumping is actually brought up. now we shouldnt get stuck up kids complaining about someone "bumping" a helpful topic for a good reasons, be couse somebody decided to make up a rule that if its a week old it doesnt diverse to exist. everybody seams to stress about the rules so much that its hard to get help or enjoy whats going on, just to be and ass. well, thanks. i also think its great to limit the staffs power because for the most part, there privileges are abused. lets hope this works. good job, better then i expected by a good mile.
ya but apparently rules take over common sense here. its like the justice system we have now, who ever has the more power wins. period. but believe me, if i wanst addicted to multi-tasking on my comp i would have left completely long ago, but the drama serves to be interesting at times. i can see why soap operas are so popular.
very nice, like the mood of it. humor is always great. there could be a bit more detail, the trees are a bit odd with the really heavy black lines. but its kinda cool how it is. oh yeah and welcome back, im not exactly sure what happend before but i hope we can get over it. im not really doing gfx anymore though.