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Everything posted by subs_55
now this is think is beautiful! you my freind have some creative-taste! well its not like super omg but its very freaking nice! im glad that you continue to be my hero, all my other heros died................. *emo tear* well gj no ideas on what to fix or how or anything your so far past me that there is no point in trying to help.
hey bro its been awhile eh? well w.e. to the sig. personally i dislike this whole idea/theme/type/ whatever the @#%$ it is. i dont know any of the technical terms nor do i care. from the opinion of someone you doesn't breathe GFX stuffz (don't get mad its the truth, but you'll all probably be insulted anyway so go ahead an shoot) it just is un appealing. what i really REALLY don't get, is that when i did this crap all these "rules" where crammed down my throat and that was the way it was. this just follows none of it (no offense to you man (your my hero) its just a general statement). now from what i see this is considered amazing work (im not saying that its not, or that it didn't take skill, or that im any better, or that im right at all, or that you even have to listen to me an maybe just suck up the fact that not everybody is going to agree with you an maybe to opinions of the little "people count?" *whew*) an maybe its just something im missing, but to me it doesn't seam like this should be considered a sig or a tag or whatever. this (in my mind, please people this is all just my opinion you will live if someone thinks differently i promise) is just a higher level of art, one with a deeper meaning (im assuming this because im missing it, so its got to be more in depth then your standard s***). but to me it just doesn't appeal. i personally (again personal opinion here, nothing new) i like the ol' slap a render on, bg shove a bunch of crap in there that you dont need kind of s***. in my mind (i think you got the point by now....), this kind of stuff doesnt seam right here. but then again maybe what im used to isnt right, who am i to say? ok ok ok it you just read that i have no idea what i just typed, it doesnt make sense. i must have one hell of a short term memory cuzi dont remeber my point. but what i think i was getting at was..... its just not my thing. but if it floats you boat then go right ahead. boat floating is good, its better then boat sinking i would have to say. oh god im just so freaking bored i think............... w.e. i guess i cant ruin my rep anymore sense you guys are always so freaking {i will not let myself finish that sentence, bad things happen when i stop thinking..... very bad things }
hahaha this place hasn't change a bit. i pop by for a second to see how it going. an look out yonder! snap city on the horizon! its great rly, you make some art, post it an get some advice an opinions. an naturally not everyone is going to agree with you an love it, you just kind got to suck it up an except it. maybe they have a point? , yet when someone says "Hmmm im not liking this one" the red alert goes off an "ATTACK" echos through the land. why do you guys do this? if you didnt want to hear the opinions of the people, then why did you post it? are you guys just looking for a fight? or do you feel like preying on those "below" you? like come on! how old are you guys? an just so you know im expecting to get smacked up by the "pros" so dont think your going to do anything. i wont be listening until you listing for a change. see ya in another month or so, when i journey back to the land of ibotmodz an see if snap city its still live an well. or if it crumbles an with its shards spawn peace between us all! hahaha i love talking dramatically, i bet it will piss you all off that much more.
i never said that i "left" i said that im going to pop by every once i n awahile, an if you read my post i said "exact reason why i dont do much on this site anymore." it doesnt matter if someone doesnt give CnC "corectly" not everyone is some uber gfx masta on crack. i think that you can get over 1 persons comment that wasnt totally pointless. an when you say that i should leave some CnC, how do youe expect me to do that exactly? when i posted that there was no picture to give CnC on. your telling me to "take CnC like a man" yet you have to come up with a lame insult, an shove it down the first persons throat, that doesnt satify you. it just seams like everyone is just trying to pick fights. an the thing is, this GFX crap is like a cult, i when on vactaion an everyone is like "shunned". its like a full time job that doesnt pay, an those that cant deticate all there time to it are hated. i remeber back when you first joined the GFX team. you where like my hero, but like everyone else here you have killed the good ol days. you guys have made it damn right near illeagal to have an opinion, an enjoy a hobbie that you take interest in. i never once said that i was better then anyone. ANYONE! but people seam to act like i think im cpt. solid an cant handle that not everyone is going to see it the way you see it. to me it looks like you are all starved for drama in your REAL lifes, so you have to make some up online. yes i know you hate me, make up some lame comebacks please. show how "manly" you really are.
ok calm down bro, exact reason why i dont do much on this site anymore. you posted a sig an asked for CnC, great thats all good. then you get CnC, even better you should be happy. but wait theres more, because you didnt agree with the comment, the comment giver is deemed "retarded"? nice move man truly original, with the whole pointless insult that doesnt make sense if you think about it for more then 2.57 sec. glad to know people on this site just keep going up hill. oh an btw your pics have gone poof, it says that they have been moved or deleted.
constructie critisism an needless, uncreative insults are different. you just flat out come up with a bad joke a say how bad it is by basshing its head in an offering little to no advice on how to fix it. but you do have meanning an good reasos behind your words in most cases you just go bout it way wrong. now your proboly going to snap on me, but ya kow that would make you a hypocrit. complaining about people complaining about you being to harsh an giving advice, kinda exactly what i just did. funny eh?
id say yess, kicks my ass in. but not like that means much, i just lost respect, gained enemys, because of my failures when i applied. at least your end is going good. an yes i dont care what anyone says im still sour about that fact that one of my favorate an most interesting hobbies was gang raped in the ass. sorry for the dramatic, an graphic, flash back. but seriously this guy diserves it AND is good. my only segestion is to do something besides a sig sigs are SOOOOOOOO overrated.
i really really appreciate that. but i wasnt that good, an i guess people expected me to continue my fast learning forever untill profection. its cool that there are still people on this site that belive that being nice or respectfull is a good thing. thanks to all.
i dont plan on never coming on, but ive lost some motivation due to people picking fights. but now i dont have a reason to hold back. if you want to b**** about how i do things go right ahead. ill just crush you before your brain can register what you did to piss me off. but yea i dont see the activity staying. as for the gfx stuff, i dunno. ill prob be getting ore into flash, or 3d animation, or video editing. an as far as photoshop goes, more logical uses.
due to my lack of skill, different opinions, an just plain bad luck. i have gained some enemy's. now i didnt expect to be loved, but hated is a totally differnt thing. so i think im done. i dont see the point is putting hours upon hours into being a forum junkie, an doing gfx when all ya get is complaining an over-dramatic.... well.. drama. now please dont take this as a cry for attention, but w/e let your imagination go wild. ill prob come on every once in awhile, but again, why? there are those of you that make it fun an cool to chat an hang with but i can still do that via other means. if you want to stay in touch pm me or something an ill get something arranged. good bye unnecessary fake, over-blown, soap opera-ish drama. it ruined my social life while it lasted
was that neccessary? does it really matter? that was pushing it a bit.
here it is cnc an as always be honest. V1 http://i37.tinypic.com/242d6zb.png V2 http://i37.tinypic.com/34ozvp2.png
i love the tryout idea that peaches posted, an maybe just for that odd person, an optional payment. doesnt hurt. i just thought of something, have like an anit-spam team who goes around an deletes spam, an everytime they do it is saved in some sort of records so that you can tell if that power is being abused or who is doing more or yata yata yata. just an idea.
im bumping this cuz tomorrow is the 30th an is when im leaving. so yeah c ya guys
again i get attacked for giveing cnc an sharing my opinion...... why!? im accused of not thinking out of the box, yes that makes sense with my sole goal in gfx is to go against the norms. but no i dont think out side the box. but ya know why does it matter? everyone hates me so i might as well take the huge obvious hint im getting an just stop doing anythin. i really dont care if this guy is your god that doesnt make what ever he does, instant pwnage.
http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?sh...ic=6769&hl= look here, it will help clear the confusion.
no offence bro but to me it just looks like a stock of a guy, turned 90* then you brushed on his face. the only really nice thing is coin looking things which are pretty cool. but over all i dislike, sorry.
ho-lay crap! i wonder how long that took em. ive spent a great deal of time with v games before but i think i just got tossed off a cliff by thins guy. wow
actualy far from it, i did ALOT with the rest of it. the glass took about 10 of the 70 some minutes. but it just seams that people are thinking that that all i did, an its too differnt so it equals epic fail. but w/e, lat time i checked it didnt matter.
very nice. different = instant win
good, i really appreciate the offer tho. it wont go forgotten.
i tried to follow the tut an there where too many little details left out. like the percentage that your brushing, an sumdgin should be at. it couldnt have been 100% for all of the either cuz it didnt work right. just keep the little stuff in mind next time.
i tried to follow the tut an there where too many little details left out. like the percentage that your brushing, an sumdgin should be at. it couldnt have been 100% for all of the either cuz it didnt work right. just keep the little stuff in mind next time.
uh i dont really want the spot. i dont really see the point anymore. you dont need to give it up just for me man. your better then me so keep it, please. i just dont see the point in it anymore.
i heard that song about 8 months ago, it wasnt the same vid. my guys was these guys just took the song an put the vid with it cuz its exactly the same. an btw im sure the part where the sony guy is talking is edited pretty hard. he didnt hesetate that much. but still funny song, tho its a shame its the truth.
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