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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. i hope you guys arent serious. nice man. did you make that or find it?
  2. i like it, if you could make the writing an the lines look as if they where painted on then it would make a sick style. well you could leave the lines, but the font should say something diff an be made to look like a painting. cuz the clouds look painted. its cool to see that you have pretty much mastered making clouds by smudging, good job.
  3. wow that was pretty rank....
  4. actualy i didnt. its great for smudge tool but i just dont like how it looks to tell ya the truth. maybe if it was sharpend a bit. amazing smudge work but that doenst mean it intantly looks amazing. sorry. i give cnc but no, all i get are disagreements cuz i think i think differently. im freaking sorry.
  5. ok cool but 1 question, WHAT F**KING BRUSHES!? thats a prime example of why im starting ot hate gfx. i used 3 brushes, 2 for smudging, 1 for the top an bottem borders. i agree with everything else except for that.
  6. ok v2, i find it plain, an too blury. it doesnt seem to have a point or reference to anything, an i dont think i like that.
  7. it doesnt look beliveable if that was what you where going for. i dont like how he is just glowing like a perfect circle. it would have been cool if you did more with the lighting, an maybe made the glowing radiate off of a certain part of him or seem to equally come off all of his body. i dont care much for the clud stock sither but it isnt bad. an the the text under your name (Journey to the sky) is hard to see.
  8. i just feel i am, i dunno. i could use some tuts but im kinda loosing my will for gfx. i just dont get why people think is good. it just dosnt make sense. but what ever im not going to start another argument. btw you never told me what you thought about the sig.
  9. my latest failure, i think im going down hill... CnC p.s. i love the ability to upload right off of the site like that, soooo cool!
  10. are we still going to do this battle?
  11. let me congratulate you on being the first person to make sense. i can undersatand what you mean, but from what ive seen by other peoples opions are that if it doesnt have this or that, then it sucks. period. at least you can explain yourself, an i respesct that (i doubt you would care). thanks. an deathgrip, stfu i dont care who im talking too, people have to earn my respect. they dont just get it cuz others respect him. but now he has my respect.
  12. everything you said, i dont see how it matter if it monotone, or the focal is centered or if there is any flow at all. i dont see why the heck it matters. it looks cool who care about some technicality's that someone made up.
  13. i dont get how those are bad. honestly. who ever said that any of that makes a good tag? if i knew, id slap them.
  14. its very nice man, it blends well, good colors. the flow is almost not existing but thats fine in my opinion, its a picture i dont see what it has to look like its moving. 1 thing i dont like is that over used render but again its just a minor thing that bugs me a bit. good job.
  15. i agree with smokie, though the brushes were whored, it looks good. if you did this with a sig, maybe puting abit of this on it then maybe you could get something really nice. it looks good so good job.
  16. ok i made something really quick, mainly cuz i had no ideas whatsoever. here is is: http://i38.tinypic.com/2j5mb5t.png if you could post or pm me a screen shot im sure ica make something better. i have no ideas. i know ther is a lot i could fix about the one im done but i dont think its worth it. sorry
  17. i have been running it ever sesne i downloaded it an posted this. it works amazing, not a problem yet, i dont run any virus protection what soever an still perfect. personaly i think it beats xp or vista royally.
  18. i believe i commented on it on imedia. i dont see a point in posting the same thing twice. what would be the point in imedia if we posted the same thing in ibotmodz too? im sure everyone would just stick with ibotmodz in that case. im trying to support your site. but if you wish me to repeat everything like a broken record i will do that. i for one could care less about my post count.
  19. i did it because its a cool thing to do and i ran out of ideas....... mainly the last one. thanks i try an explain how to do the 3d effect if ya really want.
  20. i think that i can safly say that you are the best with paint on this site. that is amazing an im aware that it took time to complete. the idea is briliantly random. it just freaking beutiful!! you are teh pro!
  21. look closely, the line thingy behind the stuff up front but in front of the bg i moved it. so it doesnt follow the bg
  22. ive got a question, why is dice a noob?because he stated his own opinion about a sig? because he doesnt follow the crowd? beacuse he likes it more simple? beacuse he perfers a differnt style? because you seen one of his pieces an feel its fair to judge him? because you say so? because your mad an your only defense is to sputter random insults? good reasons. there is no need for insults. its fine if you dont like his work, just dont be a pr1ck about it. please. not everyone is going to improve at the same speed, not everyone is a pro, an your just going to have to except that not everyone is going to see things your way. no need for childish insults. from what ive seen i dont think your a pro yourself, so please dont talk so big. try not to get offended by this, but i stick up for people you get savagely beat for no reason, i dont care who you are. noob = novice take it up thee ass dumb*** oh btw ur also novice, and that tag was made by a great tagger on PR. i never once said i was better, equal or worse then anyone, im well aware im no pro. i find it said that again you only defense is "ass dumb***" i also dont care who made it, in my eyes i dont repect people because others say i should. they have to prove it them self. oh an btw you have just lost any repect i had for you, you act like your 9 1/2. its sad, suck it up.
  23. here it is: C&C as always V1 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/32143-13.png V2 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/32143-14.png
  24. ive got a question, why is dice a noob?because he stated his own opinion about a sig? because he doesnt follow the crowd? beacuse he likes it more simple? beacuse he perfers a differnt style? because you seen one of his pieces an feel its fair to judge him? because you say so? because your mad an your only defense is to sputter random insults? good reasons. there is no need for insults. its fine if you dont like his work, just dont be a pr1ck about it. please. not everyone is going to improve at the same speed, not everyone is a pro, an your just going to have to except that not everyone is going to see things your way. no need for childish insults. from what ive seen i dont think your a pro yourself, so please dont talk so big. try not to get offended by this, but i stick up for people you get savagely beat for no reason, i dont care who you are.
  25. subs_55


    i really like the effects you did to him to make it look like he is burning. did you do that? the background is pretty bad, doesnt help the pic in anyway. the render is b&w an the bg has color so it doesnt go well.
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